Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Is the music that plays during the pylon-minigame seem familiar to anyone? 17:02, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

Pylon event[]

With the Chinese Stealth Armor and a silcended or melee weapon you can basically ignore the pylons and kill all the aliens and bots, that are spawned by the event, manually. This takes time but generates a significant amount of XP and alien loot. Best clear your inventory in the footlocker in the engine core before starting the event. --Lje 18:34, September 16, 2009 (UTC)

After playing with the pylons for a little while the floor under recon craft theta appeared and aliens could no longer be bounced down the hole. Anyone else had this occur?

It's actually far easier to hide in the corridor with the two turrets (disable them first) and sneak-shoot the aliens with the gauss or victory rifle while they are running around the ship. They will be knocked down right into the pit below theta alien ship and die immediately. There are 3 waves of enemies that appear after the alarm goes off, you can knock down 2 waves into the pit, when all enemies from the 1st and 2nd waves are dead, the hangar doors are closed and the enemies from the final 3rd wave cannot be knocked down into the pit any longer, so you need to kill the last batch of enemies manually. WRFan 19:36, December 25, 2009 (UTC)

Recon Craft Theta

Just a slight amendment to the line saying the craft was picked up the same time as the wanderer, you actually see it getting pulled into the hangar as you enter, presumably pulled up some time after you and Somah.Mrsuperhappy (talk) 20:49, November 22, 2012 (UTC)

The "notable loot" section is incorrect. There are no alien power cells, however there are large quantities (about 200) alien power modules. I'm not sure how to edit the notable loot section or delete it entirely because there is no rare loot, only an alien disintegrator and a large amount of APM's.
