Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Hi again, Private Halford[]

So apparently he takes a really long time to get where he's going - ages after saving him, I just ran into him again at Callville Bay.

Also this page should probably be called Private Halford, not merely Halford. 23:54, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

Pointless save?[]

I save him, take him to the top exit (safe way), then he runs straight for the den of lakelurks _-_ 04:22, January 14, 2011 (UTC)

I've tried to save him several times, but he ALWAYS goes for the underwater exit and gets killed on the way.

Halford is a badass[]


I patched him up and let him keep his rifle and told him the way up was clear. Upon exiting conversation the idiot makes a run for the Lake Mead entrance sending him to a certain death. I take my time exploring the rest of the cave and I find little resistance and dead lakelurks everywhere. I encounter a total of 3 lakelurks alive, one in the cavern before the NCR trooper strewn passageway with full health, which Halford must have been able to slip past, 1 with half health in the cavern with the dead pack brahmin and finally 1 in the waterlogged cavern at the lake mead exit also at half health. In the middle of this cavern I find the body of Halford floating on the water, surrounded by half a dozen dead lakelurks, including the king. Gotta respect him for making it that far.

--Dragonguard666 22:12, May 25, 2011 (UTC)

You guys kill me. Cindy is the voice actor hu? Get it together LOL

Re: finding him if u lose him maybe?[]

Can confirm i lost him, turned around and be was gone, and got him back again. He popped out of the water, bottom of cave. I still have the saves if you want verification on that bug. Maybe other people can get him back the same way i did. Or, sorry if im putting this in the wrong place.
