Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

ummm, i walked into this area once and every one attacked me. (this is the area that you have to sneak past deathclaws to get to right?) Any way every one attacked me. i havent played this game for a year now. but i still wanna know why the hell they attacked me. i lasted an hour, or close to an hour fighting them. i ran out of stimpaks, ran outta ammo, and i had to leave or i will die. i read you could buy from them. so i tried to but i was attacked. explain to me please!!!! Nico-legend 02:16, August 9, 2010 (UTC)

Hmm, maybe you attacked some Blades before. As the note in the article says: The Gun Runners as a whole become hostile if the Blades are hostile to the player. --TheBearPaw 11:29, August 9, 2010 (UTC)

hehe, ummmm. i dont know who the blade are. unless they were a group with some guy out the front and you had to kill the lady leader person. i know i sounded like a kid just then!Nico-legend 11:34, August 9, 2010 (UTC)

Hah, yeah, they were exactly that group. There is your answer, then. ;) --TheBearPaw 11:41, August 9, 2010 (UTC)

New Vegas[]

Can someone make a separate page for New Vegas? 04:51, October 23, 2010 (UTC)

Specify location[]

I looked "outside Freeside" and at the entrance, but couldn't find them so could someone give a more specific description or guide of how to reach this store?

      • They are located south of "Freeside's East Gate", looking on the map, nearly due-east of "The Strip North Gate" location. You need to be *outside* freeside to get there.

Restock ammo[]

Do the F:NV gun runners ever restock ammo, or any merchant for that matter? They regen money but no ammo so far. I feel like I'm eventually going to run out, I go through it faster than I find it. EDIT: Nevermind, they eventually restocked. It just took them forever. --Pongsifu 14:08, November 3, 2010 (UTC)

Attacked by the Gun Runners...[]

I have been to the gun runners time and again, never wronged them in any way or anything. Today I went to buy something from them and they're hostile. I can't go back, either, because the most recent save game in which they aren't hostile is five hours ago. Can I make them not hostile? And any idea why they ARE hostile? I have no followers and I'm not aligned with... well pretty much anyone. Is this a bug?

Crash when buying[]

(360) Went to buy some more powders, cases and primers, every time I confirm the sale (x) the items are transferred but then a split second later the game crashes, only solution was to reset the console, came back and the exact same thing happened. Anyone know what's up? Pog 06:01, March 23, 2012 (UTC)

EDIT: I can sell items to them but I can't buy anything. Pog 06:04, March 23, 2012 (UTC)

Also EDIT: The glitch appears to be tied to one of the two case boxes, either the .357 or the 5.56mm, I can buy any of the powders and primers but not the cases Pog 06:33, March 23, 2012 (UTC)
