Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Isn't this a little overpowered? --User:Cartman!User talk:Cartman! 04:22, May 18, 2011 (UTC)

Hell ya! Cowboy+Grunt+Chance's knife

Not even remotely? Those aren't exactly top tier weapons. Positronic Spleen

Not at all. How is this overpowered? The cowboy perk does the same thing to Revolvers and Lever Action Rifles that already had good damage, which with the cowboy perk are now much stronger than the guns affected by this perk. I didn't hear anyone crying then, but now suddenly this is overpowered? These weapons still pale in comparison to most other guns. This is just the soldier counterpart to that perk.--Ninety9Soulz 16:26, May 18, 2011 (UTC)

I was asking a question, I don't understand how so many people seem to be oblivious to the differences between a question and a statement. --User:Cartman!User talk:Cartman! 23:25, May 19, 2011 (UTC)
I'm not trying to jump on you too here, but "Isn't this a little overpowered?" sounds like expressing an opinion, which is what they were doing too. Also if you meant it as a non-rhetorical question, then you really should've been expecting to get an answer.

Well, now my Service Rifle is gonna be back in the hot seat. Hell yeah! --Delta1138 SnooPING AS usual I see 16:50, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

It is definitely edges out Cowboy a little bit, because it also gives bonus damage to frag grenades and some of those launcher weapons, not to mention it has much less steeper requirement (20 explosives as opposed to 45 melee). However, you can always (and you probably should) have both since that will give you more versatility. Strangely, it doesn't affect the 10mm weapons though.

Auto rifle[]

I would think that this dosnt apply to the automatic rifle like it does the light machine gun. if it did that'd be epic.--J.J.-Lopez 06:44, May 18, 2011 (UTC)

Unique Variants?[]

Does this work with unique versions of the listed weapons, like Maria?

Yes.--Ninety9Soulz 16:28, May 18, 2011 (UTC)

Should we add a trivia section?[]

I think we should add a trivia section (or behind the scenes) that describes what a grunt is and point out that the icon for this perk looks very similar to a WWII or Korean War era U.S. soldier.--BattleBen 05:59, May 19, 2011 (UTC)

No This Machine or Automatic Rifle?[]

I am disappoint. This machine and the automatic rifle fit in with the time period of the other guns affected. Oh well, This Machine is already doing 82 damage per round for me, which is 8 more than the survivalist's rifle. My character is a guns beast.

Aye, that is a shame. I was thinking of making a character name Frank Keegan, with a WWII theme, teamed with the NCR. This perk would have been perfect... IsaacKronenFaust 00:04, June 4, 2011 (UTC)

No shotguns?[]

While strictly speaking i realize that there are to "combat shotguns" in New Vegas (at least as of the Honest Hearts DLC) but i think that the Hunting Shotgun and the Riot Shotgun should be included in this perk as they come fairly close to military grade weapons (yes i know that the hunting shotgun is in all likelihood a civilian weapon but the military does use pump actions shotguns quite extensively too). They should receive benefits from this perk, after all the cowboy perk boosts the lever action shotgun so i don't see why the grunt perk didn't include boosts to these two weapons as well.--BattleBen 05:09, May 21, 2011 (UTC)

Shotguns already have two very powerfull perks, And Stay Back and Shotgun Surgeon. There's no military shotgun in FNV, so I think the perk is coherent in not include them in weapons list. The above question about This Machine and Automatic Rifle is good on the other way, since THEY ARE military weapons. I understand the reasons, since they would've become uber-guns (Automatic Rifle with the perk = a smashing 50 DAM per shot, wich is very high for an automatic weapon), but overall the perk is very good balanced. Brfritos 00:55, May 22, 2011 (UTC)
Although now that you mention the subject, a WWII trench gun would've been a friggin sweet addition to Honest Hearts.

It's true that the military uses shotguns but it's for alley fighting and door breaching. --Gwyllgi 07:15, October 14, 2011 (UTC)

About Time[]

I am very grateful to whoever at Bethesda were key to implementing this perk into the game. With all the perks that are meant to upgrade certain types of weaponry it seems odd that it has taken them this long to include a perk that focuses on the military "slugthrowers". Basically the types of weaponry military groups and warriors would be using if they couldn't acquire or didnt care for energy weapons. The weapons that not only help you "survive, but thrive in the wasteland" :). More specifically because these are the weapons I prefer over the energy weapons and I usually prefer a combat knife as my melee weapon (because theres isn't a japanes katana or chinese sword in this game). --Gdubs 00:28, May 28, 2011 (UTC)

There is now! :D-- 05:22, August 16, 2012 (UTC)


Why didn't they include the 10mm based weapons in it? It was used as the standard round for sidearms in the war agaisnt the chinese right?--Underbow2 09:56, June 27, 2011 (UTC)

Ya, I was wondering the same damn thing. 10mm is still one of my preferred Guns to use and the fact that it was used as the replacement to .45 ACP and 9mm during most of the Resource War and miniscule part of the Great War, the N99 and 10mm SMG should have been added to this perk. It's unfortunate. I would also have liked to have seen another firearm variant (semi-auto) that uses 10mm. Like a subcarbine that can hold larger magazines and has longer range with several mod options. There are, afterall, generally 3 firearm variants to each caliber type (i.e, 12.7mm Pistol, 12.7mm SMG, and Survivalist's Rifle). --Demon971-- 00:42, September 25, 2011 (UTC)


First they nerf the sniper rifles making them nearly useless on a Very Hard Hardcore run (my current play) and now they UP the damage of these weapons (suddendly a sniper rifle is NOT a military weapon used since the invention of scopes and rifling) somebody in Bethesda doesn't like sniper rifles very much.... ---Apollyon2015

  • It's worth noting that the reason sniper rifles were nerfed was because with their custom ammo, the Gobi could deal nearly equal damage to the Anti-Materiel rifle with a far higher attack speed. This perk simply allows rapid fire weapons to keep pace with high power single shot weapons as you start to encounter opponents with a high DR, like Deathclaws, without forcing you to lug around an LMG. Cowboy fills a similar role by allowing lighter and slower weapons like the Trail Carbine and the Combat Knife to be used in later portions of the game then they would normally be practical.
  • The other reason is because a Sniper rifle isn't a grunt's weapon. A grunt is a frontline soldier, infantryman, who gets issued the standard equipment. If the Sniper Rifle and Anti-Material rifle appeared in this perk they would have to name it something else. Only problem I see is that it does not include the 10mm firearms when it was actually the staple calibers for the US armed forces in 2077. The .45 ACP and 9mm were outdated and being replaced by the 10x25mm Auto cartridge. --Demon971---- 00:45, September 25, 2011 (UTC)
Also, what are you talking about? I've played a ton of games on Very Hard with Hardcore mode turned on and Sniper Rifles are still extremely effective. Gary 42 15:00, October 1, 2011 (UTC)

Unaffected guns[]

I just wanted to check since I was playing around with the G.E.C.K. to try and make this perk effect all the guns it should including ones added in DLC. Aside from the three guns listed on the page are there any weapons that should be effected but due to being added in a DLC aren't?

14:34, August 29, 2013 (UTC)

Lower Tier?[]

I don't really see that the reference provides much support for the claim that Grunt "exists to make lower "tier" weapons effective late game". Both perks affect weapons from all tiers, and Grunt in particular is notable for buffing the weapons with the highest dps potential in the pistol, SMG and rifle categories of the Guns skillset.

If anything, what Sawyer seems to be saying is that the perks are introduced as a customization tool to cater to specific playstyles. 10:30, May 16, 2014 (UTC)

fix question[]

I haven't seen any mention of this wiki's policy on the subject, so... Should we record when the unofficial patch or something similar fixes a bug (or conflict, which I suppose is a better descriptor of this perk's issue, if not the best one) that Bethsoft saw fit to leave in the game for fans to fix, and only the PC players to benefit from? For example, there's a mod/fix/whatever that makes Grunt play nice with other DLC 06:05, December 2, 2016 (UTC)Tsuki_Ouji
