Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Heh, Harold:

"That would've caused a meltdown that would make the Grand Canyon look like a pig wallow! (cough-cough)"

That was hilarious.--Amitakartok 00:04, 19 April 2009 (UTC)

I'm just glad you didn't get the opportunity to face those Mutant Cannibal things. Vault01 20:44, 28 June 2009 (UTC)

( i would of REALLY enjoyed this as an area, i hope sometime they release Van Buren, the time surrounding the FO3 game (aka so far FO3 and FO:NV) seems to be the best timeline, although i REALLY enjoy fallout 2's asstetic of primitive tribes, rather then salvagers. 2 diffrent sides of the country = 2 diffrent cultures?

New Vegas appearance?[]

Is the Grand Canyon found in New Vegas? If not, it needs to be taken off the template.—Neo(talk) 00:57, November 23, 2010 (UTC)

No it's not and I've removed the references to Fallout: New Vegas from the article. --Kris User Hola 02:10, November 23, 2010 (UTC)

Dead Money Epilogue[]

in the dead money epilogue, the companions say a little about two couriers (one is the player character of new vegas) under the same flag fighting some giant battle at the great divide. is that mentionable?

The Divide[]

What's the source for the Divide being the same place as the Grand Canyon? It could easily also refer to the Great Basin Divide or the Great Western Divide, so unless there's a source this article could be mistaken. --Flower of Pock-Lips 11:12, December 28, 2010 (UTC)

I think there are mentions of Joshua Graham both being thrown into "Grand Canyon" and "The Divide". Ausir(talk) 12:08, December 28, 2010 (UTC)

though you are usually right Ausir, it would be nice if there was a concrete quote from holotext or a NPC to confirm 08:00, December 29, 2010 (UTC) Just merge the pages until a confirmation about the divide not being the grand canyon, WHY IN GOD'S NAME would someone want to read two articles having ALMOST the same info?

There is no confirmation about the two places being the same or not. Without confirmation, they remain two articles.--Gothemasticator 14:02, January 1, 2011 (UTC)

Whoa, this location is in NV![]

Hey hey hey, to all those saying that the grand canyon isnt in NV, can't you see it from the top of hoover dam?there is a barrier preventing you from swimming to it, but I'm pretty sure you can see it. Its better to say its from a published game too, rather then from cancelled-ass Van Buren. We may as well say NV because VB isnt even canon. And never will be.

...are you some kinda... buffoon? The Grand Canyon is a real place, in Arizona.
Go to hell, Van Buren hater. You don't deserve Chinese Stealth Armor. >:( Nitty Tok. 22:33, January 17, 2011 (UTC)

I completely understand where the grand canyon is, bro. Its in Arizona, and was carved by the Colorado River, which is in game. The river formed the canyon, which you can either see, or you can see the river in a canyon which becomes the Grand Canyon. And btw I dont HATE VB, I just think that fallout 3 would have been better, and VB does have cool info, its just not canon. Power Bonkers 22:40, January 17, 2011 (UTC)

You need mental help if you think you can see the Grand Canyon from Hoover Dam, its over 200 miles away. Not to mention theres a mountain in the way. -An Editor

Lolz. Sort of a Church-Caboose moment from Red vs Blue going on here. Caboose makes a dumbass claim and has some ignorant and completly misguided proof to back it up. And Church scolds him... Classic. But yeah Power Bonkers IS correct. --Anomoynous Editer, March 19-ish, 2011, 23:59, Central Time (Canada, USA)
