Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


On NMA it cites Fore! as being to the head not the groin, [1]about six Page Downs down.Aryeonos 23:04, March 5, 2010 (UTC)

Head or Groin[]

I thought it had already been decided upon that the 'Fore!' attack was to the head, not to the groin. Why does this keep getting reverted? BoS Paladin Thumbnail Paladin Ski (talk) 20:46, April 8, 2010 (UTC)

Ow, man. He should have yelled two.--Wavesteel 01:56, July 12, 2010 (UTC)

Mine always cripples the head. Zarts 08:42, October 31, 2010 (UTC)

Head vs. Groin[]

Just to cement the fact it is groin

http://www.gamesradar.com/ps3/fallout-new-vegas/preview/first-look-at-fallout-new-vegas/a-20100423103112330004/g-2009050816326255063/p-2MrMonochrome 23:34, April 24, 2010 (UTC)

Andrew Ryan...[]

I can just see someone releasing Andrew Ryan from Bioshock or something as a mod, so you can freely beat the bejesus out of him with this

Dude, as soon as I got this I heard his words (in my head of course) saying "A man chooses, a slave obeys." Then I gave it a few swings like Jack. 00:10, October 22, 2010 (UTC)

Double Fore![]

If you use the Fore! attack in VATS on the same enemy twice in the same VATS move, I believe there may be a chance of the second strike sending the enemy rocketing in the air, flying up some great distance and falling back down. I can't say if it's easily reproducible, but it worked on some form of feral ghoul for me. Zarts 08:56, October 31, 2010 (UTC)

Given by Chet?[]

I've never managed to find how to do this. Can anyone elaborate? Great Mara 02:04, June 13, 2011 (UTC)

My study[]

I have exhausted all speech options with Chet, and have determined that no, you cannot get one from him. I had 100 speech and barter and nothing new popped up. I even created a new account with incredibly high speech and still nothing.

and secondly, I have extensively tested the "Fore" attack. Every strike I deal the victim always bleeds out from the head and not the groin. Also I used this attack on fully armored veteran rangers. After 5 swings of the club, I switched to a 9mm pistol and targeted him. Using the anatomy perk I could see which body parts were taking damage and which weren't. After 5 "Fore" attacks the ranger took heavy damage to the head, and no where else (arms and legs were at full health). So I conclude that this attack directly targets the head and not the groin.


Courier ending a powder ganger

Note the blood coming from the head. --Xa3Perk wild wasteland 02:50, June 13, 2011 (UTC)

different values[]

I don't remember where exactly I purchased them but I own (my charcter) 3 different valued 9 irons. Maybe this is a bug but I've found in New Vegas some 9 iron with 196 caps value, some others with 286 caps value and also others with 946 caps value. If anyone else experienced the same (check your weapons) report it so maybe will be necessary to create a bugs session on this page. My suspect is that in the original version of New Vegas there should have been three different irons with 3 different numbers. It would be interesting if someone knews about this to share it with the community. Thank you!

Are they fully repaired, or is their health different. If they are different then that might affect their values.Diehardcompg33k 16:23, August 3, 2011 (UTC)

I am 500% sure they are fully repaired I checked twice and the single value of each one is 196,286 and 946 ; and I've found more than one iron for every value I've indicated...
