Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Effect outside Dead Money[]

I never really bothered with this perk I just used Bear Trap Fist Vs Ghost People, but I recently got it and played some outside the Dead Money area and I noticed I crippled enemies alot more often. Then I though, killing Ghost People had to do with Dismembering them, Dismembering is done by excessive limb damage. So I was wondering if someone could check my Theory: "Ghost Hunter" increases Limb Damage against all enemies.

FieryWrath 16:41, February 7, 2011 (UTC)
No. Ghost Hunter itself doesn't actually do anything at all. It is used in the ghost people script to cause them to not be set as essential, thus forcing them to die permanently when reduced to 0 health. The perk certainly has no effect on limb damage and won't affect anything outside of Dead Money.--SushiSquid 15:37, August 29, 2011 (UTC)

Dunno. I took this at first but then loaded a save and didn't take it. I bought the DLC for variety, and these Ghost people are creepily cool enemies with their resurrections. But Doctors Bags are now a rarity worth a fortune. Jauh0 14:02, March 7, 2011 (UTC)
