Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Should we add something about Gauss Rifles/Pistols and Stanislaus Braun? 17:05, 12 January 2009 (UTC)


Well what about germantown actually? Is there really something like that in D.C. or was it created by the programmers of Fallout 3? Its the place with the police quarter where you have to "rescue" 2 persons in the big town quest. --Odypus 09:08, November 30, 2009 (UTC)

It is stated explicitly in-game that Braun is from Kronach, a town in Bavaria, Germany. And yes, Germantown is a real-world place near DC. Ausir(talk) 13:34, November 30, 2009 (UTC)
Ohh :D But why does you american translate the names of our towns?^^ I must google for Bavaria, to find out that you mean "Bayern". But can you tell us where it is statet? At his terminal, at an note about him or where could i find this information? --Xcyberpet 15:21, November 30, 2009 (UTC)
It's not a translation, foreign town names aren't translated, only transliterated. The info itself comes from the Prima Game Guide. 11px-Naglowaa_se.gif Tagaziel (call!) 19:27, November 30, 2009 (UTC)
Actually, the name "Bavaria" is older than the modern German "Bayern". Ausir(talk) 19:36, November 30, 2009 (UTC)


I think the rumour, that germanys Reichstag in berlin was destroyed in the 2077 war is not correct. The dome you saw in the intro movie was that one the reichstag had in WW2 before the russians destroyed it. But its possible that germany also got "stuck" in the 40s/50s culture so a more modern dome like that one today was never built. --Odypus 20:02, December 7, 2009 (UTC)


All discussion regarding the deletion of this article is to be held on this forum.

Shining-Armor (talk) 19:47, July 18, 2015 (UTC)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart should be mentioned as Austrian, not as German. Well maybe Salzburg was back then Bavaria, but Bavaria was there not Germany. Also he lived most time in Vienna and today Salzburg is in Austria and not in Germany.

WW2 info[]

Shouldn't the WW2 info that's referenced in the games be added? Like how the USA declared war on germany as per the declaration of war in Abraham Washington's museum? Or how we see the aftermath of the Battle of Berlin in one of the Fallout 1 intro slides?
