Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Is it just me, or is he the only NPC that used a Power Fist? Nitty 04:24, 29 August 2009 (UTC)

Could Brother Gerard be a reference to Walter M. Miller's (fantastic) novel, A Canticle for Leibowitz (the protaganist of the first segment of novel, Fiat Homo, is named Brother Francis Gerard?


I was doing the quest Holy Water the other day and I was looking for Brother Gerald for the longest time. I looked inside and out of the monestary but he was nowhere to be found. I waited until night, still no Brother Gerald and I waited till day; no Gerald. Eventually I got the bright idea to begin walking towards Megaton and find Brother Gerald dead. I didn't kill him because I would have seen him die. I had Fawkes and Charon with me so did they kill him or did someone else go and kill him? There weren't any other animals around so I don't think he was a victim of an animal attack.--KnightNapier 02:29, November 19, 2009 (UTC)

He probably was mualed by a Yao Guai or something. He does have to run at baddies to use the Power Fist. Nitty 02:40, November 19, 2009 (UTC)
Oh well, the wasteland is better off.--KnightNapier 02:41, November 19, 2009 (UTC