Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Roof Loot[]

I went ontop of the roof of Fallon's I did not locate no fusion cell...—Preceding comment was unsigned. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

I Personally Believe the loot on the Dead body is Level dependant. as i found a Modified Hunting Rifle and some ammo at level 16, other people have found shotguns etc (edit) Have checked with a Level 6 character, the loot on the roof was a pipe pistol and ammo. Pholi (talk) 19:44, November 19, 2015 (UTC)

Removed the reference to the core. Did not find it in either spot. !Uxlapogi (talk) 14:02, November 22, 2015 (UTC)

Reference to fusion core and mini nuke could not be verified. 13:46, November 29, 2015 (UTC)!

I too did not have a fusion core or mini nuke. Is this supposed to be in reference to the 'Fallon's department store' on the south end of the map? I found a fusion core there but no mininuke.KiloJKilo (talk) 10:41, December 2, 2015 (UTC)

I found one body on top of the department store, not three caches. how are you supposed to get to the diner from the roof?

Re-activation quest[]

I am not sure what the name of the hidden quest that re-activates this place is, but it should definitely be listed on this page. For reference, in order to re-activate the galleria, you (optionally) talk to the greeter, who tells you the supervisor (whether he thinks it is you, or not) should report to The Director (a Mr Gutsy in the rocket in the center of the galleria). When you try he will ask for ID. You can skip it with a charisma check. Otherwise you have to get the override passcode. The passcode is in the supervisor's terminal in the 2nd floor of the bowling alley. The password to access the supervisor's terminal is in the hand of the old supervisor, now a skeleton in the Director's office or you can just hack it. The third message includes the override. The computer behind the Director is where you do the override. The result is the same either way. All the robots start acting normally, allowing you to use their respective shops and not trying to kill you any more. Also, you can loot freely without 'stealing.' Degrelescence (talk) 07:02, November 17, 2015 (UTC)

Using grape mentals that targets "living beings causes them to become hostile. The same as the bug mentioned with the power armor mod that targets creatures

Madden's Gym Sale[]

I get a 38% off discount instead of 25%. A rad-away costs me 156 pre-sale and 96 post-sale. Is there some perk interaction going on here? Is the discount amount accidentally too much? Maybe this was intended behavior. The guy that programmed the store obviously thought the manager's promotion was a waste of time and would never be used.

Possible reference to Isaac Asimov? The terminal inside of the cafe has a programmers note from Isaac about how adding new laws can cause problems with the original ones, a possible reference to Asimov's 3 laws of robotics.

3 laws of robotics[]

Possible reference to Isaac Asimov? The terminal inside of the cafe has a programmers note from Isaac about how adding new laws can cause problems with the original ones, a possible reference to Asimov's 3 laws of robotics.

Another reference To the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, with the depressive Mr Handy mirroring Marvin? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!
