Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Could Garza be a Android? As he often mentions his skill with machines, and has an odd accent and pronunciation for most of his words. I would assume if you found android parts on him it would tell you the answer to my question.

No, he's not an android; there's nothing to indicate that, and he doesn't speak particularly oddly. Deadlykris 20:46, July 8, 2010 (UTC)

I'm going to have to second the suspicion that he may be an android, and disagree with the remark about his speech. For your typical gruff handy-man, he speaks very eloquently and annunciates extraordinarily well, almost too well. Granted, Harkness' speech was NOT particularly unusual, and had very human inflections and tones, so that could be used as a counter-point to the theory. Unfortunately, aside from his speech and prowess with machinery, there's really no evidence, as you said, to him being an Android, but I don't think it's fair to completely debunk such a theory when he is a mysterious character, speaks oddly, and has relevant talents to such a type of character. ( 11:57, June 23, 2013 (UTC))


"He can sometimes be found in the Super Mutant camp between Rivet City and Jefferson Memorial"? Please explain. 00:22, 28 December 2008 (UTC)

I was just passing through that very Super Mutant camp, and Garza was there. At first I thought it was just a regular hostage, but it was him. And instead of ignoring him during my attack (like the super mutants do with regular hostages), they attacked him as soon as they saw me. I killed the mutants and saved him but all he does is cower in the corner. When I try to talk to him he says, "Please excuse me, there is much work to be done," just like he says in Rivet City. I then killed him lol. I'll let you know if it affects the MQ (whether or not he goes to the Jefferson Memorial later during the MQ and whether he shows up when we're running from the Enclave). 04:53, 2 January 2009 (UTC)

(note: the above comment was mine). During the main quest I did see Garza. Everything went forward normally. However, I can't remember if i really DID kill him when I found him at the mutant camp. I think I may have reloaded and let him live... Redsteven 22:43, 5 January 2009 (UTC)

this has happened to me before. I was traveling to the Jefferson memorial and i went over and cleared out the camp. Afterward I was looting corpses and ammo boxes and found Garza's corpse in the corner! when I did the Waters Of Life quest the part where you have to help Garza or kill him, he was not present throughout the quest and I was able to skip it. Death reap 01:44, 13 January 2009 (UTC)

Oddly,i found him dead in big town,sitting on te bench decapitated,also,there was the severed arm of bittercup on his crothch Werewolfhell 17:04, 26 February 2009 (UTC)

I too saw him at the super mutant camp, but then later, after I had freed him, His hands were much bigger than normal and his fingers were extremely long. He would walk around with a limp too. I thought it was intended to be that way untill I played the game again. 08:53, 8 March 2009 (UTC)

You all saved him? For me I went to the camp expecting a fight but all I found was Garza asleep in a bed, the captive and mutie corpses, seriously I thought he had a heart condition! - RASIC 06:24, 22 August 2009 (UTC)

I found him dead in the mutant camp near the captive (PS3 version). He'd lost his head, 2 of the mutants were dead with one still alive and unwounded in the corner. Wolfgang's caravan had come through and the caravan guard was dead, though Wolfgang had survived. Not sure how or why Garza wound up in the camp, but he didn't do too well once he got there apparently.

Useless NPC[]

Isn't Garza pretty useless as a NPC? I suppose he was to be a red herring during the Replicated Man quest. "I do heavy lifting for Dr. Li." But, other than that, he's just useless. OH, wait! I have to hold up on escaping from the Jefferson Memorial because he has a bad heart! That's useful, right? And I get to offer up some Buffout, or Stims, which by that point in the game are no great loss. Or I can convince Li to leave him behind and lose a little karma. But seriously - he's just f-ing useless!-- 19:51, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

It's the "useless" ones that help obscure the importance of the important ones to the player; they also give the "big" players, and the 101 Wanderer, context (in the story sense) - not that useless really. Aren't you glad Fallout-land isn't like "City of Heroes", where EVERYONE is super? (and thus NO-ONE is, in the wise words of that redoubtable Arch-dweeb, Syndrome?) Garza's BIG job is to help make you feel mightily important in the "Toxic Shithole formerly known as the United States of North America" - as Commonwealth, or possibly Mayan Empire types might say.. Kingmarco66 03:27, 25 August 2009 (UTC)

Garza is a Homeless Bum?[]

I watched him walk from Rivet City to the nearby mutie fort (muties were dead at the time from a passing caravan shootup) and he immmediately lay down to sleep! I spoke to him, he says "excuse me", and goes back to sleep in the *other* mutie bed up there! I cycled "wait", in the morning he walked back to Rivet City. Doesn't he have any bed in the ship? Is this just his nearest "legal" bed? Or perhaps it's got the same Ref.ID?Kingmarco66 03:24, 25 August 2009 (UTC)

He has a private bed in Rivet City lab, just near Janice Kaplinsky's one. And he is supposed to sleep in the lab meaning in this bed as all others are owned... To make it short, Garza has an explicit "sleep" package but there is a known bug in the programming laguage. He sleeps from 11PM to 7AM near GarzaREF in RCHangarDeckAft. As he is always near GarzaREF the package picks the nearest un-owned bed (Supermutant beds are not owned), overlooking the second condition (in cell). We had the same kind of glitches, just worse, in TESC for Oblivion. Garza doesn't have the no low level processing flag then as soon as an explicit reference appears in the AI packages the character will get back to his normal behaviour. At 7 AM he goes to eat near an explicit ref, GarzaHomemarker in RCHangarDeckAft. Without this explicit reference he could stay in the supermutant camp forever. Why he goes as far as the supermutant camp can be explained too because again in his default package the programmer used the "in cell" condition near the character's himself as a first reference. It works fine as long as the character never leaves the interior cell but Garza goes outside... and begins to wander near himself. As he is always in a radius of 384 near himself he can wander very far. This is also why you can sometimes meet Rivet City guards in Grayditch or Sarah Lyons in Springvale. It would be a lot of work to fix this very minor and amusing glitch.Croquignol 21:00, May 2, 2010 (UTC)

Worked it out..[]

At the end of his workday (5 or 6 pm), Garza likes to go up onto the top deck for a stroll. Unfortunately, when the Market locks up, Garza acts like he can't get inside. (There's a way, but his pathfinding is too dumb). So he spends every night strolling the top deck, not finding a bed. (Naturally, this would kill a real person). Now, the thing is, sometimes he falls off the carrier- good, he figures, he can now reach a bed - in the mutie outpost, the nearest one!(the dumb-ass..) So he goes over there and generally gets crucified, obviously! Not much you can do to fix this without MAJORLY re-writing Rivet City, so I wrote this dumb bat. Save it as a .txt file in yer F3 folder, run at any time, or when you find his corpse is ok too. (To activate it, open the console, i.e. the ~ key, then type

bat garzafix

or whatever you saved your .txt file as) Costume change to make it easier to spot the dumbass (and tell you that the bat worked!), a sledgehammer to kill muties with- he's immortal, so will (eventually) overcome any odds. DON'T give him a gun, his skills are 15% or 20% depending on gun type.. this coulda bin fixed but he's meant to be a wuss! I haven't tested this in the Waters Of Life quest yet, may work proper or no.. prob with this fix is he CAN'T die, so you probably HAFTA save him. Code follows-

prid 0001e764


modav strength 2

modav endurance 4

modav agility 3

removeitem 00018DE5 1

additem 0003411B 1

additem 00028FF9 1

additem 00063fa2 1

setessential 0001d036 1

-code ends(obviously) If anyone using this reaches the Waters Of Life quest, please comment- Kingmarco66 17:35, 25 August 2009 (UTC)

Possible Bug Xbox360-GOTY[]

During 'Waters of Life' when you get to the part where you need to heal Garza, I have stim packs in my inventory but the only conversation options that come up is 'Forget it. I've got nothing' and I had to end up killing him. 04:55, February 13, 2010 (UTC)

Edit: My mistake I needed 5
