Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Radiation weapon damage is screwy[]

Would love someone more familiar with gamebryo games or console commands to help look into this. Anyway, the Gamma Gun was performing worse than expected, so I did some experiments. Here's the results I got, that I cross-posted onto reddit's fo4 subthread:

"I'm on Survival, so some damage numbers are going to be adjusted. From testing with a combat rifle, I can confirm that on Survival you do .5x normal damage.

I tested with a Gamma Gun and some console commands. I have Nuclear Physicist *** so the listed damage on Gamma Gun is 220. When I fire against someone with 0 rad resistance (according to both the awareness perk and "getav radresistexposure" and "getav radresistingestion") I only do 66 on a direct hit, about half on a shot that lands right next to them but doesn't hit them directly. Adjusting for survival difficulty, this means I actually only did 132 damage on a direct hit. This is also very consistent; tested repeatedly and did 132 (66 for Survival), far off from the promised 220 (110 for Survival).

Surprisingly, I targeted an eyebot, which is listed as having radiation *immunity* (a radiation symbol with a crossed-out symbol next to it), but I still ended up doing ~30 damage (~60 when adjusting for Survival).

Contrary to common opinion, radiation on damage does *not* act like radiation exposure in the world; you do _not_ reduce maximum health. You can trivially prove this by aiming the Gamma Gun at your feet, taking off every piece of armor, and firing. You'll take damage from the area of effect, but all of that in pure damage, none of it as radiation poisoning. Same thing against enemies; "resethealth" is a command that will restore yours (player.resethealth) or the selected npc's health, but from what I understand, not past their normal radiation limits. Doing this on enemies I've hit with a Gamma Gun nevertheless restores them to full health.

This would be consistent with some players reporting that they get very low effect from radiation-damage legendaries. It would be good to see if anyone who is really familiar with Gamebryo games knows how to dive deeper and find out what's going on, or can correct any of the assumptions in my post. If this is indeed a bug, it would be also helpful if anyone who's in the steam beta patch to test to see if the damage numbers are screwy in the patch as well." (Thelee (talk) 04:02, November 24, 2015 (UTC))
