Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Is this intended as a poke at Gabe Newell of Valve Software, who is also... ahem.... a little bigger than the rest? Wunengzi 23:39, July 19, 2011 (UTC)

Stripe 'replacing' Gabe[]

Just for clarification, as far as i've seen, the only creature that spawns at the Doghouse in Higgs Village is Stripe (providing that the Wild Wasteland perk is active) Gabe is found in the X-8 research center. If the player does not have the Wild Wasteland Perk, then the Doghouse will be empty and you will only find Gabe's bowl there. Gabe is the Mini-Boss you fight to get the X-8 vertebrae-pulse-de-sensitizer frequency (In the area with two boarded up houses and lots of Gabes Dig Spots. Gabe explodes, Roboscorpions attack) Apologies if i'm wrong --- Itsjustliam 00:39, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

Perception oversight? (No pun intended)[]

Gabe, no matter which version, has a perception of 0. However, the game engine can't handle 0 SPECIAL values, so Gabe actually has 10 point perceptions in-game. This is almost certainly an oversight, since other NPCs who are supposed to have 10 point perceptions (Ulysses, Lanius...) have 10 instead of 0 in the game file. The same is also true for the Ghost people from Dead Money, should this be added as a glitch?
