Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I'm calling it - Bioshock 2 Reference - the Sinclair in BIO2 was also misunderstood in the beginning for his intentions but eventually redeems himself LK Tien 17:20, January 4, 2011 (UTC)

That is a real stretch. No reference based on last-name-only coincidence, especially with a common name like Sinclair.--Gothemasticator 17:34, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
Is this maybe instead an oblique reference to Errol Flynn by way of the Rocketeer movie? The Errol Flynn-ish character there is named Sinclair and the movie has Howard Hughes in it as well, which is House. Their looks are even somewhat similar.

"When you look at the Skeleton, the heading says "The Founder's Remains" and also "[EMPTY]", wich means that he is a container. If you use the Action Button on thee "remains", it will open a "trade" menu, furter impling that his body IS a container."

^This is unprofessional garbage. Crap spelling aside, it's a lengthy and convoluted way of saying: "The Founder's Remains can be used as a container."-- 18:08, July 8, 2011 (UTC)
