Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Terrible People?[]

Just noticed this but in the characteristics someone put that Land mines are terrible people... "It is identical in appearance to the frag mine in Fallout 3. It requires an explosives skill of 25 to take full advantage of. Land Mines are terrible people." --Mute Poet 18:18, October 26, 2010 (UTC)

Magical Disappearing Mines?[]

I placed all of my frag mines, just out of boredom. Making faces and such. And when I to pick them up, my total number went down. I went from 20 to 17, then when I placed them again, I ended up with only 15. Then I realized what was happening. Some were close to each other, and when I went to pick one up, I ended up grabbing one or two more. The extra ones I picked up simply disappeared.

It's minor, but annoying. I was having such a fun time, but now I'm five short.

Can someone add/confirm this?

This happened in Fallout 3, too. I'm not exactly sure what causes it, but it certainly happens.--SushiSquid 18:43, August 14, 2011 (UTC)