Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Yes, this is not speculation. I spotted it in the gameplay video at around 0:21 and 0:22 where he pulls up the pip-boy.

Gameplay video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuPNcv5Tf0Y

It's kind of blurry but it clearly says Frag Grenade. It's also right above Grenade Machinegun because has an F and all the weapons are in ABC order.

Insane! 04:27, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

Possible Bug - No Damage - Need Confirmation[]

On the PC, latest patch as of 11/26/2010, using mods but none which affect the frag grenade, occasionally I find the frag grenade doing zero damage. A particular case: I was above a pack of coyotes on a hill, sneaking. Under VATS I had zero chance but manually it seemed like I was dropping grenades right on top of the coyotes. So I moved down the hill closer still dropping grenades (thought they may have been bouncing too high). I closed until I was level with them and VATS was giving 90% to hit. Both VATS and manual shots still registered no damage. I have no explosion perks. Anyone confirm similar issue? 13:30, November 26, 2010 (UTC)

Coyotes and dogs (but not Rex) have weird reaction to explosives sometimes. Even a direct fatboy hit will sometimes leave them unscathed as I found many times doing the Overkill Challenge perk. Medeasin (talk) 15:37, February 27, 2014 (UTC)

Sierra Madre[]

You can recover them from grenade bouquet in Sierra Madre. Unless you like to use thrown explosives, they can be valuable trade goods (grenade to vendor for prewar money, then money to casino for chips).Laclongquan (talk) 07:04, May 20, 2013 (UTC)

RE: Grenades doing no damage[]

This bug seems to be universal with coyotes and long distance.

I've tested this myself with Enclave Commander and Orbital Nuke strikes (which do about 5000 HP of damage in an large radius and ignore cover and ceilings) and the Coyotes down the road still didn't die. But when I got closer and shot at them with a rifle they died. Seems to be some kind of vanilla engine bug. Short explanation being that sometimes the radius of the explosion detects the ground as covering the explosion, thinking that they are behind cover, so they don't receive any damage. Angelsofdeath98 (talk) 21:03, October 28, 2018 (UTC)
