Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Deathclaw Always Appears?[]

I have to wonder if the Deathclaw showing up is random or consistent - everyone I've talked to so far has had one spawn upon exiting the church. Ulithium Dragon (talk) 03:49, December 1, 2015 (UTC)


I had no ghouls in the church, in fact I haven't seen a single ghoul in the Glowing Sea. (Very Hard Difficulty) 15:04, January 19, 2016 (UTC)

Wrong church[]

The loot and ghouls described here are for The Hopesmarch Pentecostal Church on the east side of the glowing sea just southwest of Vault 95. I only found a green steamer trunk and did have the deathclaw spawn out side of the Forgotten Church.

-Fixed, article now describes Forgotten Church and not Hopesmarch Pentecostal Church
