Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


The scavenger sitting on the short pier on the west side of the river, almost due east of Grayditch (go due east to the river and then head north a third of a map square) was selling Flour, a Rake, a Whet Stone, two Frag Grenades, a Laser Pistol, a .32 Pistol, some ammo, and some other odds and ends. Don't know if his inventory is random. First time I came across him. --Sp3lly 05:19, 9 January 2009 (UTC)



Just posting some places where I've had luck finding Flour:

Mailbox in front of the Nuka Cola Plant Mailbox West of Canterbury Commons

Knick Knack has stocked Flour on 2 occasions Seagrave Holmes also has stocked Flour once

Maybe we can compile a list of where several different people had found Flour, and make a statistics sheet or something


Fort Independence[]

Don't know if it's random but I found flour in Fort Independence in the cafeteria/mess hall in a locker on the SW side PhayzeShift 22:53, 14 July 2009 (UTC)

i have found Flour so far in all my 3 games at Minefield, inside one of the mailboxes there. tought it might be a guranteed find ? 12:19, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

Found a flour in a diner south east of fort independence near the raider town.(it's on the shelf next to the oven)


It isn't particularly rare. In my last game, I collected over a dozen Flour by the time I hit level 20. Moira Brown and Seagrave Holmes both had it for sale more than once. I also got it from the scavenger mentioned in the first note on this page.

GECK info[]

There is ONE guaranteed location in the Capital Wasteland; this information has been added to the article and the other supposed guaranteed locations removed. Vendor locations were left in, as well as a description of the type of loot where flour canbe found, but all of the places where it was listed as guaranteed to be found were actually random loot, and the one that was guaranteed was actually removed along with another random loot location before I came along today and fixed it. Kris mailbox 20:15, August 21, 2010 (UTC)

Fallout New Vegas[]

According to the crafting section, it isn't worthless - it's needed for the Brahmin Wellington(1) and Fire Ant Fricassee(1) recipes. --DarkJeff 15:38, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

there are two types of this item. flour, which is used in recipes. and "flour" with quotations. meaning it's not flour, it's, ahn, cocococococcocaine.

Flour as an Ingredient in New Vegas[]

This article may be ambiguous, in that it reads, "In Fallout: New Vegas flour can be used for various food recipes including fire ant fricassée and the cut recipe Ruby's Spicy Casserole."

What does "various" mean? Does this mean that there MAY or MAY NOT be additional uses for Flour besides the two listed? Note: Flour is an ingredient for making Fire Ant Fricassee (noted by the article) and Brahmin Wellington (not noted).

Regarding Ruby's Spicy Casserole -- what is this? What is a 'cut' recipe? Is there a related topic on Wiki that explains what this is? If so, can a link be set up? Since Ruby's Casserole does not require Flour, the article seems to be referencing a different item from the one that requires only Radscorpion Poison Gland (to be brought to Ruby). The casserole made with the Radscorpion Posion Gland seems to be called "Ruby's Casserole" or "Radscorpion Casserole" (at least according to the related article page). Can this article clarify what the "Ruby's Spicy Casserole" item is, and how one goes about initatinig it? I cannot find any Wiki articles related to such item (only what appears to be the different casserole - Radscorpion Casserole - listed under the link "Ruby's Casserole").

If there are even more recipes made with Flour in New Vegas, it may be helpful to list them on the article. If not, it may be helpful to indicate that the article shows the complete list of recipes (once Brahmin Wellington is added and the Spicy Casserole is clarified).
