Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Random encounter[]

In the wilderness, at a site of a recent battle (random encounter), I came across a searchable pile of ashes, containing some dog meat. Could this be the result of a critical with a Flamer (possibly from a robot) (Fallout 3, PS3). -- 16:30, 22 April 2009 (UTC)

Probably not. I'm betting a Protectron or RoboBrain got into a scuffle with a vicious dog and the dog got vaped. --MadCat221 21:14, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
No. Ashes are the result of a fatal crit from a laser weapon.DragonJTS 21:15, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
DragonDork is right, lazers leave ashes-- 22:00, 30 April 2009 (UTC)

Flamer Vs. Burnmaster[]

what is this about the Burnmaster not reciving the pyro perk's power boost? is this true?-- 22:00, 30 April 2009 (UTC)

my god it's true this sucks.

The best use of the Burnmaster is to give it to a follower, followers can't have the Pyromaniac perk but the weapon still inflicts the same damage as if they did. It is possible that the Burnmaster owes its existence to this idea since otherwise it would be a stupid weapon.--BattleBen 03:33, October 18, 2009 (UTC)


I do not think Pyromaniac is s useful perk for Big Guns players. The Flamer only has a x2 critical bonus over the Burnmaster's x1, and the Flamer only has a 0.5 critical chance. So considering this, Big Guns players are best to leave Luck at 1 and leave out perks like Finesse and Better Criticals. Unless you use Melee Weapons (pretty demanding considering all the things you will need to max crit chance, points needed for pyromaniac, etc) too, I can not see someone justifying this one for Big Guns players. 22:42, 8 May 2009 (UTC)

glitch/cheat moved from article[]

  • In Operation: Anchorage there is a unique (just named flamer) version that, like other Operation Anchorage items, has extremely high HP. To do this, refer to the "Keep Your Simulation Inventory" under the Operation: Anchorage wiki page, then use your Gauss rifle (after you get to the base), go to the listening post (don't talk to Benji!), and there should be a Chinese inferno unit on a catwalk in the destroyed building with a captured American soldier. Shoot his weapon (save before attempting, as you might kill him), and when a critical shot is landed, he will fall over and will be able to be pickpocketed. Take his ammo (100% chance), put any gun and one round into his inventory, and he will change his gun. Take him down again, pickpocket him again and get the flamer. Another way would to progress twards the end of Operation: Anchorage (quest). Before you head twards the last building you go thorough, there will be a moment where the Flamer-equipped T-51b soldier will stand in cover, along with his allies, behind the sand bag wall inbetween the Sniper guarded gate you pass, and the final bunker you pass through to the pulse field, near their Vertibird's LZ. (Yes, this is the guy that dies at the pulse field.) If he IS standing still and out of combat, save and pickpocket his flamer fuel. After a successful pickpocket, pull out a weak weapon and clunk him around untill he aggros. He will put away his Flamer, and pull up his fists to strike you. IMMEDIATLY put away your weapon and he will turn around and reset. (As long as you havent previously pissed off the Americans... Traitor.) Now, Save again and begin pickpocketing his Flamer. Congradulations, free Flamer.

Please do not add 1)ways to cheat/exploit on the main article page and 2)put anything on the main article page with this kind of horrid grammatical and spelling errors. Thanks--Kingclyde 03:28, 19 June 2009 (UTC)

Tactics moved from article[]

  • The flamer is very good at dealing with very weak/low health enemies, such as radroaches or similar vermin, and a quick spout of flame will use very little ammo while usually killing the offending critter. This is one of the most efficent ways to get through vermin-filled buildings quickly, as little is required other than being close enough to hit.
  • Be sure not to enter an area with a gas leak whilst the Flamer is equipped, as the pilot light ignites the gasses, resulting in moderate damage to the player. Gas leak traps are indicated by faint wispy distortions hanging in the air.
  • Can be very effective against creatures such as Deathclaws and Super mutant behemoths. An effective strategy is to cripple their legs thus slowing them down so you can burn them while backing up and avoiding their attacks. This is best used with the pyromaniac perk(+50% Damage with fire based weapons).
  • Another effective strategy for tough creatures is to aim straight at the chest in order to cripple their torso. Because of the weapon's automatic nature, continuous fire will cause the creature to stagger repeatedly until you finish it off.
  • The flamer is also very effective against Trogs in The Pitt
  • Despite what the end user may initially assume, the Flamer does damage specific body parts like any other weapon and thus is most effective at depleting health when aiming high on the body. The wide area of effect of this weapon has the drawback of doing copious amounts of damage to the target's equipped weapon (assuming the target is humanoid), making it a poor choice for scavengers in some cases.

--Kingclyde 03:28, 19 June 2009 (UTC)

-Why was this moved from the main article, I actually found it to be useful information, and it would help fill out the article - Aryeonos 08:10, 2 July 2009 (UTC)

Combining Superior Defender, Ghoul Ecology and Pyromaniac with 100 Big Guns skill with a fully repaired Flamer will give you a weapon that inflicts over 200 damage per second. --BattleBen 03:28, October 18, 2009 (UTC)

If you shoot the power armor soldier with the flamer at the end of operation anchorage whilst in sneak and equiped with a gaust rifle then you will be able to 100% pickpocket him whilst he is on the floor - only seems to work with the flamer power armor soldier for the minigun and fat man you will have to pick pocket them->i recomend sneaking behind the power armor soldier to the left when they are lined up near the pulse feild then saving it when you are hidden and try to pick pocket the fat man when you succeed at this drop the fat man and save then keep loading the save until you pick pocket the minigun then pick up the fat man and finish the mission i would only do this if you set gary or adead outcast recomendably gary on the chair in the simulation pod before you sit in it that way you can keep the three wepons which is perfect for a big guns player seeing as the wepons never decay and you get ammo for the flamer and minigun from the ammo boxes in anchorage =...perfect condition wepons with about 60k ammo ,enjoy

Crit Multiplier[]

Has the Flamer's infobox been edited to have a multiplier of 4, or has it always been this way? I was under the impression that the Flamer, like the gatling laser and Vengeance, had a x0.5 multiplier and then further divided crit chance by the rate of fire. Does this mean the Rapid-Torch Flamer's only advantage is that it doesn't have a "warm-up" period before emitting flames? --DGoose 23:26, 24 July 2009 (UTC)


For me if you shoot a dead body with the flamer and then dismember it the pieceswill duplicate upon exiting and re-entering the cell leaving you with one burning copy (per limb removed) in any location you moved it to and one non-burning copy at the body can anyone confirm this or is it just something weird with my game ?
