Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I've started cleaning up this page but it's obviously not finished. The other objectives in the Journal section (from the Misfits other than O'Hanrahan) need to be finished and the walkthrough sections might need a bit of work. I also removed a comment on the Notes section which was made to contradict a comment above it but actually said exactly what the other comment was saying anyway. Take 1ne 21:50, November 20, 2010 (UTC)

Removed the following bug that an editor marked as "false" (tested on my system as well): For some reason, killing multiple coyotes seems to cause this quest to fail long before you ever learn of it. needs verification FALSE Thecrystalcrow 02:22, December 3, 2010 (UTC)

The Objective Numbers are wrong on the quest stage list. It needs to show the objective ID not just the order they come in. Un-Registered User 13:48, July 15, 2012 (GMT)

Radio New Vegas mention[]

I believe that completing this quest (at least, by following Mag's advice, but maybe with all possible endings) unlocks a mention by Mr. New Vegas on Radio New Vegas. However, it's not mentioned on the Radio New Vegas page or here.

If this news story is related to this mission (which I'm fairly certain it is), then it should be mentioned here, and the transcript added to the Radio New Vegas page. I've heard it a couple times now, but I don't know the exact wording. It was about a platoon at Camp Golf setting a new record in combat readiness.

  • Didn't put down the whole excerpt, but quoted a relevant portion and added it to the notes section. Balmung03 07:37, February 8, 2011 (UTC)

I can verify that if you hack the terminal, Mr NV will report the squad as breaking records etc. (because I changed the records to be unbelievable, hoping they'd somehow show up getting killed horribly by me and the legion.)

Razz bug[]

On two separate occasions I have found that Razz gets stuck behind a table and chair, stopping the quest from proceeding. Pushing him free seem to work however. If this worth mentioning in the article?

Alternate Extra XP Strategy/Exploit[]

In my playthrough, I talked with O'Hanrahan to agree to do things his way, and then passed the speech checks for each squad member. But then instead of returning to McCredie, I immediately went and spoke to Mags and agreed to do things her way, allowing me to collect the XP both for the speech checks and all of the Guns / Explosives checks, for a total of 249xp plus the 200xp for finishing the quest and the NCR fame. Doing things Mags' way automatically finished the quest without having to talk to McCredie though, so I don't think this would work the other way around. If anyone else can confirm this works, it should probably be added to the article. 16:54, November 24, 2014 (UTC)

O'Hanrahan bug[]

I'm on the PS3 UE and told O'Hanrahan that I would try to convince the other squadmates to play nice. I got the quest objectives "Convince X to Y" for the other three. However, NO dialog option for the speech check appears for any of them, and the dialog choice to tell O'Hanrahan that I decided to go with his plan did disappear. The dialog choices to tell the other members that I'm going with their idea are still there, and choosing one appears to advance the quest. I already completed "No, Not Much".

I'll tentatively add this to the bugs but would appreciate a verification.

dbbolton (talk) 21:51, May 12, 2015 (UTC)
