Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Does anyone think 10 pounds for that small battery is a little heavy? A steam gauge assembly has the same weight as a small battery! --FlameWolf 14:45, 29 July 2009 (UTC)

In the 50's,batteries were generally heavy,unlike the modern bateries of today. Mr.Wolf 14:46, 29 July 2009 (UTC)
Also, if the battery is fission powered, it's probably full of some heavy element, like Thorium or Uranium
If these batteries really do use Fission reactions to produce power, then they are feather light.Revolverman 08:49, March 20, 2010 (UTC)

Nature of the Fission Batteries[]

Real Life Fission Battery[]

Much, much larger than the ones in the game, but I imagine the Fallout FBs work in very much the same way, just massively scaled down, in the same way a Microfusion cell is a tiny fusion reactor. 00:29, May 4, 2010 (UTC)

There are no real life fission "batteries". There are atomic batteries, but they generate power through radioactive decay, not fission. I think the only reason they would actually be called "fission" batteries is because they use actinides derived from fission. To have fissile chain reactions going on in something even the size of the larger, unusable batteries found in the game would not only be ridiculous, but extremely impractical (large fission reactors like those in nuclear plants need new fuel every 3-4 years; these batteries are apparently still working two centuries from their manufacture). Krotera (talk) 04:22, January 19, 2013 (UTC)

Radioisotope Thermal Generators[]

They are probably radioisotope thermal generator batteries. It's a real technology that has already been used to make very small pacemaker batteries that last a very long time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioisotope_thermoelectric_generator

Not RTG's[]

RTG thing should be removed. Fission batteries are, as the name implies, are batteries that are used to contain nuclear fission energy. They just store the energy, they dont generate it. Scientists of our day are working their asses off to make such batteries for phones, radios, tablets etc and in Fallout world they are invented and are in public use. People wouldnt even fight for Hoover Dam or Helios One if Fission Batteries generated energy, why bother when you have unlimited energy? They have positive and negative polars, they are basically the same batteries you use for your TV remote, only they contain much more energy.

Bugged Fission Batteries[]

Has anyone else noticed that there are several Fission Batteries in Fallout: New Vegas that you cannot pick up? In the entire time I have played, I found only one Fission Battery for sale from Chet in Goodsprings. I bought it, and later on in the Nipton House with the hostile Prototype Mr. Whatever (Gutsy or Handy, doesn't matter), I found 3 of them sitting on a table, but I can not pick them up. There in an other one in an open dumpster near Old Lady Gibson's scrapyard, and same problem. I even double-checked to make sure they were FB's by dropping the one I had; same size, shape, color, everything is the same, I just can't pick them up. Is this a bug other people have experienced? I noticed the only Fallout: New Vegas location for FB's mentioned on this site is the basement of the Repconn Test Site. Can you pick those up, or would I be wasting my time by going there?

There are a few batteries that are scaled up so they look like they power streetlights in the NCR camp outside Primm. The ones you can't pick up are just normal-sized versions of those. You might want to check Lone Wolf Radio, there might be one or two there. Nitty Tok. 03:30, January 20, 2011 (UTC)


This page does not really require splitting since it's not really a quest item, and it's purpose has not really changed in New Vegas. ---bleep196- 14:25, September 7, 2011 (UTC)


Completely makes up the information on this page, I thought this was against policy? Why the hell are we trying to make sense of this anyway when most items in this game don't have a real-life counterpart simply because it's not our bloody world and it's a game! Sheesh 04:33, July 9, 2016 (UTC)

I removed the whole Usage section as its only content was speculations about how the Fission Battery could work and what its actual content would be. --YOD (ಠ_ಠ) 15:01, July 9, 2016 (UTC)
Don't know about anyone else but I find it beeyootiful now lol. 15:05, July 9, 2016 (UTC)