Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Missing from OGG[]

It appears that the "Official Game Guide" does not show FIRE Ant Nectar as a item (on the tables on pages 65-66 or 33-35). The tablew do list 'regular' Ant Nectar. Should this be noted in the article - for readers who notice the same thing? Otherwise, we can't help but wonder which is incorrect -- the O.G.G. [likely] or this Wiki article.

From Tweak:

Tweak feels that this information provided above is completely Worthless. (THIS Update on November 24, 2011). i did NOT check the Game Guide, I'm a pro so I just play the game and take it like a Man. Anyway(s)... Fire Ant Nectar is an AID item. Its temporary Effects are as follows:

{} Fire Resistance +25 ..+.. INT(Intelligence) -3 ..+.. AGL(Agility) +4 {}

Its WG(Weight) is 1.00 and its Value in Bottle Caps (VAL) is 35

This seems to be one of the best AID Items I've come across so far for Agility.

+Agility helps your Guns and Sneak Skill and the number of AP (Action Points) available for V.A.T.S. (Vats)

Action Points
