Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

XP rewards[]

I think I got 800 XP for finding the Deathclaw cave or talking to Harold or Slappy but I can't remember which exact thing gave me the 800XP. If anyone can remember please edit it into the article or mention it here. Thanks. V.A.T.S. addict 18:34, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

According to The Nearly Ultimate Fallout Guide, you get the 800 XP for asking Slappy to take you to see the Deathclaw. --Headcrab 00:43, 1 July 2009 (UTC)

Sneaking past the deathclaw[]

For funsies I went through Fallout with a non-combat character. Although somewhat tricky to pull off, I was able to lure the deathclaw away and then sneak past it (I had Sneak 100% at the time). I could then talk to the mutant and recover the transmissions and radio from him, and progress the quest as normal. Naturally this cost me the XP that slaying the deathclaw would've gotten, so it's not the most optimal way through, but hey, I thought I'd make note of it here as an option. The Millionth One (talk) 13:02, April 7, 2020 (UTC)

I actually did the exact same thing (except my player was just a no kill character not necessarily is not allowed in combat). I managed to get the deathclaw to kill dogmeat whilst I walked right past him and talked to the super mutant. I felt this should be mentioned as an option rather than it being implied that you are forced to kill the deathclaw but it seems you have beat me to it.
