Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Is there a bug on dog/god? it seems like if I don’t choose him as a companion during the collar 8 quest he can't be my companion at all? What’s the deal and what can I do to fix it?

Switching Between Dog/God[]

Switching Between Dog/God is done by playing Gods recording and playing Elijahs recording in your misc section (data). This can be done as many times as you want. The Page infers that which one you choose at the cell, will be the one you have all the time. I suggest changing this to say its the initial one, and that you can change to dog/god by playing the recordings. God actually tells you he is not good in combat, but Dog is. He also tells you how to bring him(God) back after you have used Dog to fight.Kaldhore 18:14, February 19, 2011 (UTC)

Wrong baseid for quest[]

I've been having the problem where you can't talk to Dog/God, and Elijah won't recognize that you've recruited all three companions. I saw the advice to set the quest stage to zero. First, the command is wrong; should be "setstage," not "set.stage." More importantly, the console seems to indicate that the baseid featured on this page is not correct. I've never used G.E.C.K. before, and am having a ridiculously hard time just figuring out to how to load the appropriate file so I can go look for the quest. If anyone who is familiar with the program and can check and correct the baseid in the meantime, that would be great.

I have downloaded old world blues now if i try to play dead money with old saves or new character dog/god is not in the jail cell making progress impossible.i am on the 360 does anyone have ideas?

Sign your posts. 00:41, April 10, 2012 (UTC)
