Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Behind the scenes/spelling[]

I think that this ferris wheel might be based on the one in Pripyat, because the cars (gondolas?) on it are identical. --Hrodwulf123 (talk) 13:01, August 31, 2016 (UTC)

I don't think so, the gondolas are more rounded in Nuka-World, which is funny because the ones in Pripyat look like bottle caps.

On another note, I wanted to point out that the spelling for Ferris Wheel is Ferris wheel. I see that it is also spelled Ferris Wheel on the Fallout 3 and New Vegas miscellaneous world objects page, so I suppose it doesn't really matter, but yeah. JMA4269 (talk) 02:13, September 7, 2016 (UTC)
