Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

This description is contradictory. Please fix

What's the contraditon? The lower the Perk Rate, the better (with Perk Rate 3, you get Perks every 3 levels, with Perk Rate 2 you get them every 2 levels etc.) Ausir 01:12, 1 December 2007 (UTC)
Alrighty then. I'm just used to seeing "higher rate" mean "faster" or "better". Can you put that info in the file so confused noobs like me can understand?

What level is required for this perk, or, as the description makes it sound, do you aquire it in a special way? Also, what is the 'chance of suddenly dying'? Can the character just suddenly drop to the ground dead?

It's a trait, not a perk. You select it during character creation. Ausir 22:40, 15 October 2008 (UTC)