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[in fallout 3] This perk is about as useful as finding the medical bobblehead on your father's desk at the start of the game. Pass it up unless you're dieing constantly. -accountless avenger

Except that, since it adds a percentage to the amount healed, it benefits the player in addition to raising the Medicine skill. In other words, it makes the Bobblehead in Vault 101 20% better, at least as far as your Stimpaks are concerned. The higher your Medicine skill is, the more points of healing this perk will be worth to you. Even at 100 skill, however, the maximum benefit is only 18 points, which is not really spectacular. (This is one of those "every little bit helps" perks.) Oh, and by the way, it's spelled "dying." I have no idea why so many people on the internet misspell that word. There has to be a reason... I mean, you don't see people misspell "lying" as "lieing," do you? Oh, well. I'll get off my soapbox now, lol. 09:28, 16 June 2009 (UTC)

It's useful on Very Hard (and maybe Hard or Normal) where Stimpacks are constantly pumped. Otherwise, there are better perks unless you have Broken Steel and only focus one one set of weapons or don't use VATS. hunter88888 00:13, December 30, 2009 (UTC)

New Vegas Buff[]

This perk sort of got buffed in New Vegas. Not only does it's bonus apply to regular Stimpaks, it also applies to Super Stimpaks. I did a spreadsheet on this a while back, so I don't remember how I got these calculations exactly. But I do believe I got my math calculations on Stimpak heals from the Stimpak page of this website. Here is the information I cooked up:

Regular Stimpaks:

0 Med, 30 heal, 36 with FM, +6 more

25 Med, 45 heal, 54 with FM, +9 more

50 Med, 60 heal, 72 with FM, +12 more

75 Med, 75 heal, 90 with FM, +15 more

100 Med, 90 heal, 108 with FM, +18 more

As the poster above said about FO3, it pretty much seems like an every bit helps kind of perk. At least, in relation to regular Stimpaks. So let's take a look at Supers, which seem to follow a similar math formula to regular Stimpaks:

Super Stimpaks:

0 Med, 60 heal, 72 with FM, +12 more

25 Med, 90 heal, 108 with FM, +18 more

50 Med, 120 heal, 144 with FM, +24 more

75 Med, 150 heal, 180 with FM, +30 more

100 Med, 180 heal, 216 with FM, +36 more

Just a short translation: Med stands for your total Medicine skill, since Stimpaks scale with it. The heal stands for how much those Stimpaks heal you at that level of Medicine. FM represents Fast Metabolism, and how much those same Stimpaks heal you now with the perk factored in. And finally, the last number is the difference, which is the amount you gained by having the perk.

So to conclude: Fast Metabolism looks a lot better in New Vegas than it did in FO3. Not broken, but a LOT better than what it was before when you consider Super Stimpaks. I know people don't think much of the Life Giver perk, but at more than 75 Medicine, a Super Stimpak can heal you for more than what that Perk gives in HP. Provided your health is low enough to receive all of it (you lost 216 or more hp). And you can use these Stimpaks multiple times, as opposed to Life Giver just being a temporary HP shield. Personally, I'm a life points nut, so I tend to take this perk, max medicine, get Life Giver, and 9 Endurance at the start of the game (plus implant to bring it to 10). How about that for an HP tank?-- 09:04, June 20, 2011 (UTC)


does this affect the amount of healing your companions recieve too? 04:05, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

  • I want to say yes, but I'm not absolutely certain. The only way to test it on a console is to let your companion's hp get fairly low, stimpak them, and see how much it heals when you check their health again. Therefore it would be a hack of a lot easier to test it on the PC if somebody was bored enough. The only reason I think it does is because other perks, like Pack Rat, affects the items once you pick them up, and this carries over to your companion. If the mechanics are similar to Fast Metabolism, then it would apply to a Stimpak first, which would carry over to your companion when you use them.
    On a side note, if it does increase stimpak heals on companions, it really only benefits hardcore mode characters. On other modes, stimpaks heal instantly. So if you only wanted Fast Metabolism just for healing, you would be better off not wasting the perk slot and instead just buy more stimpaks. The reason Fast Metabolsim is so great on hardcore mode is because it increases your healing per second, which regardless of how many stimpaks you use at the same time (unlike normal mode), doesn't increase. You will still eventually be healed by all the stimpaks you used, but it's only afterall the added "healing over time" component of the stimpaks you used.-- 00:28, August 6, 2011 (UTC)