Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I don't know much about this project, but it might help people like me if you expand on exactly what was being criticized, especially in regards to the cover. --MercZ 03:22, 5 February 2009 (UTC)


OMG THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN AN AWSOME GAME!!!! DAMN BETHEDA!! >:( --Chiefsean16 16:44, December 14, 2009 (UTC)

It's a shame, it really is. I have pretty much zero interest in a generic knockoff, unfortunately.--Alexmikli 05:08, January 30, 2011 (UTC)

The game isn't as good as you might think. The "setting" for Exodus can be removed and replaced with Fallout's setting super easily and you can just as easily replace the names of Ghūls(instead of Ghouls), Trans-Genetic Mutants(instead of Super Mutants), 'Shelter Dweller'(instead of Vault Dweller), and so on for the Fallout equivalent.

No, the real problem is that the book is meant to be a stand alone product, but if you didn't have prior knowledge of the d20 system(such as playing "3.5 Edition Dungeons & Dragons" or many of it's off shoots) then you will not be able to fill in the many missing gaps in the rules. A quick example is that there is no 'stats' for basic humans aside from height and weight. In all other d20 system games, they have something and this would require the GameMaster(GM) and the Players to work out how to fix that for Exodus. Also Exodus was largely based off another RPG called "d20 Modern" which in turn was based off of "Third Edition Dungeons & Dragons". Third Edition was so bad, they had to do a rule overhaul and re-released it as 3.5 Edition. "d20 Modern" didn't get this rule overhaul and thus Exodus, in turn, inherited the problems of Third Edition.

In truth, I'm glad there was a cease and desist on this as the quality of the game would have damaged the Fallout brand. Granted I could see GCG intending to release it later after more play testing and with more polish... But the C&D from Bethesda likely forced them to rewrite the setting and shove out the door what they had at the moment. Sadly we will never know what could have been.--Phantom5582 (talk) 18:10, July 7, 2020 (UTC)

It's available online[]

No need to get mad at Bethesda, Exodus is available online and in book form. It's clearly still Fallout, they just changed names of things. It is an extremely fun D20 game.


What exactly does D20 stand for? At a guess I suppose the D is Dice. but the 20? that's a mystery to me.A Pickering 17:17, January 15, 2010 (UTC)

d20 System. -- Porter21 (talk) 18:12, January 15, 2010 (UTC)

OK, call me thick: what's a D20 system?A Pickering 23:34, January 15, 2010 (UTC)

The d20 system is a system published by Wizards of the Coast that's used for Dungeons and Dragons 3e.Shdowhunt60 15:49, October 27, 2011 (UTC)

Pnp wiki[]

Why do we have a seperate wiki for PnP?Tezzla Cannon 13:03, April 18, 2010 (UTC)

It's not for this PnP. It's for working collaboratively on a fan-made Fallout PnP rulebook. Ausir(talk) 14:35, April 18, 2010 (UTC)


Ok I have been working on a Fallout d20 Modern conversion in my spare time for my own use. I was posing my work on a d20 Modern forum http://modernd20unlimited.freeforums.org/d20-modern-conversion-of-fallout-t239.html and someone posted that there was a Fallout setting here a D&D wiki http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Fallout_(D20_Modern_Campaign_Setting), I came and checked it out and all the categories are copypasta from The Vault (Fallout wiki). This page is a cluster f@#$ and I may need some help cleaning it up.


im sorry, but does anyone else find it hilarious when they get to the point "Because Bethesda threatened them with legal action"? 20:28, July 25, 2011 (UTC)

Sould Have made it.[]

They really needed to make Fallout pen & paper D20. Dungeons & Dragon is a great game mixing two great games would be one of the coolest things ever!
