Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Launch Music Station[]

This isn't really a radio station like the others; it doesn't show up in your radio list in the Pip-boy, does it? For me, I saw a "detected Launch Music radio" when I got near the Repconn test site, but it didn't show up in my radio stations list. Then when I completed the quest, the music started playing, but again my radio stations still showed the same three (Black Mountain, Mojave, Radio New Vegas).

The only four that ever appear in the Pip-Boy, near as I can tell, are those three and the NCR radio during the Hoover Dam assault.

Anyone disagree? If not, I suggest we move the Launch station out of the radio category and just mention the Flight of the Valkyries in the quest description. Dmunsil 01:14, November 16, 2010 (UTC)

Dead Money companion and elijah[]

We should at least mention the name ,the source and the relation of the quest (trigger the gala event) with those radio signal in Dead money. And the 743.00Hz ULF radio is absolutely elijah.(Vvardenfell 11:53, May 9, 2011 (UTC))

What about the other frequencies in Dead Money? I didnt understand what they were supposed to do.
