Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Is the suitcase in Dino-Dee lite safe?[]

This page says it's not, but the Dino-Dee lite page says all containers except two under the floor are safe.

I'll go change it then, as it isn't safe. It resets to defaults occasionally. Mictlantecuhtli 22:16, November 3, 2010 (UTC)

Ultra-Luxe Penthouse[]

I know it says that the Penthouse is acquirable through a certain course of action in Beyond the Beef, but I've yet to figure out which path this is nor are there any indications that such a quest path even exists? Could someone please clarify or elaborate? Thank you. --Chefwillis 21:33, November 4, 2010 (UTC)

I believe that if you work with the white glove society you gain the option to frame the guys dad for his murder (even though he's still alive in the freezer area). Mortimer gives you a key to the penthouse and you can go leave evidence that he killed his son. Also, you could just kill mortimer and get the key. Killing mortimer gives you good karma too so its a no lose situation unless you want the white glove society to like you.

On the subject of the penthouse, why is this even considered ownable housing? It is hardly ownable. It doesn't really meet the criteria seeing how there are hostile guards inside (glitched albeit), considered trespassing upon entrance, nothing inside of it is considered "the player's", and you can't sleep. I vote this be taken off as ownable housing. --Chefwillis 03:20, December 19, 2010 (UTC)

I've switched the Bon-Vivant and Penthouse entries around and specified their differences. I left the Penthouse description in specifically to mention that it is NOT ownable housing, despite what people wish it were. If someone really feels that it doesn't belong here, they can change it. I'm also a bit verbose so feel free to edit it down. Also, for the sake of it existing somewhere on the internet, I'm going to detail how to acquire the Ultra-Luxe Penthouse through console commands in the next paragraph, because I've seen people asking about it on forums and wondered for a long time myself before figuring it out. I don't know of any mods that make the Penthouse ownable, but this is the next best thing.

To set the Ultra-Luxe Penthouse as ownable housing: First open the console. Type "setpublic ULPenthouse 1", this sets the Penthouse so that you can wait and sleep in that area, making the beds usable. Enter the Penthouse. Now, forcefully remove the guards; it is highly recommended that you do this by disintegrating them with energy weapons, as this ensures their 'corpses' (or rather what's left of them) can be removed by clicking on them in the console and typing "disable". Finally, go around the room and click on each container while in the console, and type in the command "setownership" after each one. This will remove ownership for each selected container. Once this is done all ownership of the room will have been removed and you can successfully use it as housing. Enjoy.

Suitcase in novac room[]

Never had lost any items and after inspection in geck found it to not respawn.

Cap Counterfiting Shack[]

After waiting about 5 ingame days the storages all seem to reatain the random items i put in them, this shack could very well be useful for complete basic player housing, though it lacks workbenches and fire and you have to kill Cazadors out side of it, I think this could be very useful player house, that is if you stockpile it with tuff and if it retains the items(by the way, how do you check, i mean really check if they are safe if you are on xbox?) 22:56, February 26, 2011 (UTC)

provided housing[]

the house in the lucky 38 seems to me like a house for someone who is working with Mr House or Yes Man, why cant at a certain point in game the faction you are helping provide you with a cool place to live? i know that i would like an NCR themed house (not the ranger safehouse), that has guards and lots of rooms, i mean the abandoned brotherhood bunker is nice, but i miss the niceness of my house, in fallout 3 the wasteland was a crazy place and it was nice to go back to your house and have an ice cold nuka cola, why cant thy make a new nice house? (btw i know i said nice a lot, but it's such a nice word)Tozzler 11:48, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

DLC housing[]

Shouldn't we add DLC housing like they did for the Fallout 3 page124.185.242.185 23:28, May 20, 2011 (UTC)

We definatly should. I saw some nice hideouts in Honest Hearts on youtube( I don't have the DLC). Anyone with it should add away.--TheReaver74 11:59, May 21, 2011 (UTC)

Jacobstown Housing[]

I discovered while doing the Nothin But Hound Dog was exploring the area and found a very good safehouse. It is the house closest to the wall, facing north and has a great interior with a fridge, oven, two footlockers, a cabinet, and other stuff. I just need to make sure storage is safe, and I will defininetly add it. --TheReaver74 03:05, May 29, 2011 (UTC)

definition of player housing[]

what is the definition of player housing and why Goodsprings House is a player housing?(Vvardenfell 10:44, May 30, 2011 (UTC))

Fisherman's Pride Shack[]

Could this be used as safe housing??

Yes. KiwiBird 16:33, September 17, 2011 (UTC)

Raul's Shack[]

Bed, workbench, Sunset Sarsaparilla crate, and several plants nearby. GRPeng 15:06, October 14, 2011 (UTC)

Will Raul pick up food in the shack, like companions do in Lucky 38?--Soma4themass 23:37, October 18, 2011 (UTC)

Question on Adding New Locations[]

I've been playing around with new possible places to live, and I'm wondering exactly what the guidelines are for adding them are. For example, in aggregate, if you chose to live in Nipton, you've got a work bench, a reloading bench, a campfire, (irradiated) water, multiple beds, and I haven't even come near to counting all the containers since I've just been using a few ammunition containers and a fridge. Plus a rather suitable decor if you're playing a certain type of character. But they're scattered: the reloading bench in one house, the workbench in a house directly across from it, the campfires over by the trailers, and so on. Going by the Goodsprings entries it seems to favor very specific buildings/trailers, so my question is: if I added Nipton would I want to be listing the trailer by the campfire and maybe the house with the reloading bench/house with the workbench and noting the proximity of the other items, or doing the whole thing and using the notes to break down what is where, or what? Aristatide (talk) 04:51, February 23, 2014 (UTC)

Enemies in the houses[]

Why is column labeled "Enemies present"? This gives a Yes response a positive light, when it should be negative light. The column should be labeled "Enemies absent", because ABSENCE of enemies is a Positive thing.

An example: Simple question - "Is this house crap?" Y/N An answer Yes to such question, will get it labeled in a positively green color. And a negative answer will be a red cross. So, why do we actually searching for crappy houses? The question should be reformulated as "Is this a good house?" - then the Yes response will truly mean positive thing, an advantage, and No - will mean red cross, i.e. negative thing, a disadvantage.

I edited that and also accurately changed every field and my edits got reverted with an argumentation "it was fine that way" by Jspoelstra.WTF seriously?! 01:12, July 18, 2014 (UTC)

Field's Shack[]

Surprised it is not already mentioned. Inside are a bed, several lockers, ammunition boxes, a toy box and an oven all of which are to be considered safe for storage. Just outside is a campfire and the shack is a short distance from the New Vegas Clinic, the Crimson Caravan compound and the Gun Runner's Vendotron kiosk (with a workbench). The NCR Sharecropping Farm also not very far offers water sources. Om3ro (talk)
