Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I am experiencing an error/issue with Questin' Mark achievement/challenge on my Steam copy. The issue appears to be simply that if I restart the game, my progress on this achievement is wiped; I must in fact accomplish 5 quests in one sitting? I've done like 20 quests, just completed That Lucky Old Sun and got "Questin' Mark (1/5)". Anyone else seeing this? All the other achievements seem to be firing off correctly! -- 18:06, October 23, 2010 (UTC)

Questin' Mark is a recurring challenge, so it's likely the XP gains have been hidden in the XP reward you get for every fifth quest finished.--Pyrion 13:23, October 28, 2010 (UTC)

Challenge/Perk Distinction[]

I have a request for an improvement to be made by someone more experienced with Wikia than me. When I click on certain challenges (Bug Stomper, for example), it takes me to the page for the perk. It would be helpful for someone to make a separate page for the challenge and for the perk.

Also, is there a reason for many of the challenge pages not existing, or is it just that nobody has gotten around to making them? If needed, I could make a stub (not just a blank article) of each challenge. I could also help create stubs of all the locations because I have the official game guide collector's edition. If anybody wants my help, don't message me here. Email me at enteistomp@yahoo.com 23:05, November 7, 2010 (UTC)LilithUser

challenge cleanup[]

i don't have time to do this at the moment, but i was thinking we could clean this up by:

1) getting rid of the links to challenges without pages, since the majority of challenges are pretty self explanatory and don't really need a whole page devoted to them

2) adding a column that informs whether the challenge provides an achievement

3) adding a column that tells what challenge unlocks the challenge.

4) getting rid of the form id column since it isn't filled out

Vexing 03:10, November 30, 2010 (UTC)

I can try because that stupid page link back to same page is aggravating thx for tipoff!! Gordon Rauch 22:09, April 19, 2011 (UTC)

  • Why does every non repeatable challenge have to have "This challenge is not repeatable" in the notes? You can see it by the form ID so it is very redundant. KaisarDragon (talk) 15:10, July 5, 2012 (UTC)
    • All the useful information can usually be found in the infobox but it is repeated to make it look like more of an article. IPure Rapid (talk) 15:27, July 5, 2012 (UTC)

new dead money challenge[]

Not sure if I'm the first to find it but I found another Dead Money challenge "All For One" it's described as "Save All Companions". It's got a counter, but it didn't show before I actually completed it and then it said 1/1. So what I did was save all companions (obviously): I made peace between Dog and God, made Christine let go of Elijah and let me take care of him, and was nice to Dean so I didn't have to kill him, making him sure I'd open the vault and all that. When finally I was about to enter the vault I did the dialogue with Christine and made her let go, once she opened the vault and started leaving I got the challenge completed. If you really need a screeny I'll post it. 20:26, February 26, 2011 (UTC)

find vault 19[]

I just unlocked a new challenge called "Find Vault 19". Never seen this one before.

Got another one when I found vault 3, guess they added challenges for finding the vaults in the last patch. BigShayne08-1 01:55, May 17, 2011 (UTC)

I've gotten them for finding Vaults 3, 11, 22, and 34. Though, curiously, 34's came up "Find Vault 34: 0/0" instead of "1/1" like the others. And no experience other than the usual 10 xp for finding a new location. 04:20, May 22, 2011 (UTC)

Most likely to....[]

It would be nice is someone listed the specific times you complete this challenge....just in case one of the speech options only happens in one dialogue sequence and can be missed. In which case someone couldn't complete this challenge if they do miss it.

From my playthrough, you get four of the six references to the Courier's past through the automatic Ulysses/ED-E conversations. As for the other two, not a clue. -- 23:05, September 25, 2011 (UTC)

I also got 4 out of 6. not been able to find out where I went wrong or missed something. kelticpete

The Whole Sad Story[]

Hi Is there any way to complete a challenge through console command? I have missed the low INT conversation with Dog in The Whole Sad Story and now, having completed every other challenge in all dlc, I can't sleep because of that one. Even more frustrating is that I found you can repeat conversation with Elijah to complete the challenge long after I have killed him. So if there is a way to complete the challenge through console or perhaps to trigger the required conversations, please let me know. Thanks! -- 20:53, September 26, 2011 (UTC)

Lets see if I got this right. You’re “losing sleep” because you missed one little piece of the game, yet cheating your way to completion wont bother you one bit? ReapTheChaos 20:28, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

  • Why is that a big deal? If the guy only needed to down a mentats or something in order to get enough INT in order to meet the check, then they could have obviously have completed it the first time had they only known/remembered it. It's more of a technicality than cheating in my book.-- 04:39, August 28, 2012 (UTC)

Caravan Master[]

What's the deal with this being listed on the challenge page? When I first saw this I honestly thought it was a mistake and removed it, and yet, I see it's been put back on the page again. On the 360 at least, I know for a fact it isn't a challenge, having completed both "Know When to Hold'em" challenges. It is an achievement rewarded for completing those challenges, yes, but not a challenge in of itself. If this is different across platforms or something please make a note of it on the page or this confusion is just going to happen again with somebody else. -- 01:46, September 4, 2012 (UTC)

  • This challenge lists requirements as winning 27 games. That means Caravan Master is really the second "Know When to Hold 'Em" challenge. I'm not sure why the name so I went into the GECK. The challenge ID is called NVChallengeCaravanMaster which is where the name came from. However, both challenges (16bA4E and 165777) are named "Know When to Hold 'Em". The entry doesn't need deleting, it needs revising. Also, they have the challenge ID listed as 16b4ae, which is wrong. I'll edit it now. KaisarDragon (talk) 07:43, September 4, 2012 (UTC)