Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


This page appears to be borne out of a typo (at least according to how the game spells it), and should probably be deleted --FFN 08:22, 13 November 2008 (UTC)

I have made this article more detailed and gave it a more simpler layout. If I have missed anything please add to it. As you can see it has a layout now, more detail about the camp, and I have added some pictures. RegentEagle 18:28, 18 November 2008 (UTC)

The information about the deathclaw really shouldn't be here. All deathclaws in the game have that bug.--DescentJS 22:32, 24 March 2009 (UTC)

Wasteland Survival Guide[]

If you have completed the Survival Guide quest with Moira, the local wastelander will compliment you on it if you start a dialogue with him I found

SM77.86.4.174 16:43, 8 July 2009 (UTC)

possible random encounter location with slaver hitmen

Flying Deathclaw[]

I found a deathclaw in this area that appeared from the ground, then shot upwards until it fades away, then repeats.

This may be to do with the alien mothership, I was abducted then reloaded, but still had a bright blue pip boy. Image

The name[]

If you type in the full name (in my case, I typed "f. scott key trail and campground")into the search box, you are redirected to the forum page. Should be fixed. 16:10, January 5, 2010 (UTC)

The green vegitation[]

The green vegetation seems to have been removed/patched on the 360 version. Anyone else who can confirm that?

An Alien Power Cell at F.S. Key Trail and Campground?[]

i have the pc version. After exploring the dunwich building i saw the unexplored location marker and found the F.S.K. camground. run into a deathclaw, killed it with the alien blaster, then i strated looking around the camp or whatever; when i suddenly saw a little blue thing on the floor, i couldnt remember any item like it so i went near for its name to appear, i couldnt belive that it was alien power cell, is this possible i have a photo to prove it. exactly it is 1 alien power cell just one not of twelve charges like the ones i founded over the ufo near somewhere, i think a power station, that when u r near it has a radio frecuency in a strage language;lol a raider took the gun first so i had to kill him, he almost killed me with it, stranges part was that it was the first unclothed raider i ever saw; going back to the power cell at the campground, i wanted to know if this is possible,u know to find a power cell there, it was just below the table where the bodies are; looks like they where eating. also if u can check about the clothless raider that takes the alien blaster. ty. if u need to see the photo just tell me where to send it.

A naked Raider would indicate the "raider initiation" random encounter. Since the raider is naked and unarmed, he runs for the first weapon he can find when threatened; if it's close to the Recon Craft Theta site, he'll naturally go for the Alien Blaster due to its power.
For the random APC at F. Scott Key, it may be from the Firelance encounter; check the general area for more APCs or get Dogmeat to sniff 'em out. Also have him look for weapons to find the Firelance. Kris (talk) 01:34, July 29, 2010 (UTC)