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Fallout Wiki


If one eradicates the legio before taking on this quest, do you still gain the +2 for Boone?

yesmaybe. talk to astor anytime after killing legionnaires (and presumably freeing slaves) and he gives the quest and completes it all in one go. i had more dialog with boone after. after replaying the save i had the points before i talked to astor. worth a quick thousand xp though.  Dr. F  (Talk) Home 12:53, November 24, 2010 (UTC)

It just hit me: What good is the NCR bug when you mruder everyone in Cottonwood?

Kill everyone, no consequences![]

Astoundingly, it's completely possible to kill every last legionary in the camp and complete the quest as fully as you can for the NCR, without ever gaining a single bit of Legion Infamy. It's common knowledge that if you kill a member of a faction via sneak attack without being detected (getting the "danger" notification) that you don't gain any infamy. If your sneak is high enough and you manage to kill all the legion at Cottonwood Cove without them ever finding out where you are (and therefore WHO you are) you won't gain any infamy for it. However, you'd think that unleashing the radioactive barrels or completing the quest in the favour of the NCR would gain you some sort of Legion Infamy. But for some reason, nothing does. The only Legion Infamy that can be gained in this quest is from killing legionaries, and if you manage to do it without ever being detected (and, I'm guessing, with no-one being alive when you release the barrels) you can actually avoid any infamy with the legion.

While this is of no use to me (I was actually hoping to get Villified, so it's kind of hilarious) I suspect it could be of great use to other people who wish to complete this quest without gaining Legion Infamy, so I thought I'd share it. --Jimera0 23:35, November 7, 2011 (UTC)

Use the truck and get Boone's history points[]

Is it possible for me to tell Boone to wait someplace while I go and empty the truck and still get the history points, or do I need for him to follow me while I do it?

==Just play tested that theory as I came to this page hoping to answer that question myself. Left Boone and ED-E with SGT. Astor while I freed the Weathers family. Boone did not get the history points so far as i can tell. I only need one more history point anyway so I'm just going to get it killing the legion and not going to bother reloading for the slave's points. Hope this is written in time to help you out, also try to remember to sign your questions ^.^ --Frozenbear (talk) 20:48, September 19, 2012 (UTC)

Four left alive.[]

Xbox.Bugs.Level 49 The four that are left alive are 3 Vetrans and 1 Prime legionary. To get Eye for an Eye quest and XP ,these four, who always stand together, must be killed by other means. Within 4 seconds of opening the back of the truck Cursor Lucullus, if present, dons his advanced yellow rad suit which was not in his inventory before the event. Aurelius of Phoenix can be found dead in his room even though the the rad level there is zero.--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 08:27, January 27, 2013 (UTC)
