Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I also had the option to "try my luck" with the surgery, which resulted in a successful surgery. My luck was 10 (and medicine was over 75) -- 05:52, November 11, 2010 (UTC)

I just deleted some *** that werent supossed to be there. It is late where I am. Someone, please, fix things up. I guess the better is just start from scrath...

quest failure[]

there is another bug. the quest didn't fail when I killed caesar, only after I removed his head the quest failed. 17:23, November 12, 2010 (UTC)


Does anyone get the Halo 3 referance in the name? "Et Tu, Brute?" was a video documentary during Halo 3's production.

Not a halo reference: Et tu, Brute. Teh leecherer 09:38, November 13, 2010 (UTC)
WTF, Shakespeare is being attributed to HALO 3... and yes, "Et tu, Brute" comes from the Shakespeare play Julius Caesar though Caesar did utter the Latin equivalent during his actual assassination. Were is not for Shakespeare, I doubt that we the phrase would be common parlance. --Kris User Hola 11:30, November 13, 2010 (UTC)
Actually, what he said was "and you, my child?" and it was in Greek. At least according to the historian Suetonius. Shakespeare changed it to suit his audience, who, much like Mel Gibson in "The Passion" would have assumed that high-ranking Romans spoke Latin to each other, rather than the Greek that they actually used.--Shamish 10:56, December 5, 2010 (UTC)
It's been two millenia since it happened. Who can possibly say what he REALLY said? Unless you have a time machine.
And, per Kris x1000. YuriKaslov 00:43, December 18, 2010 (UTC)

How to Start[]

How do you start the quest? How do you find out ceasar has a tumor??? ````

Well you have to get to caesar first.

Duh. Caesar has told me to leave him alone when I am at his tent; I have a high medicine skill, I have arcade with me, I am accepted by caesar and have started the render unto caesar qquest....`` hahaha what an idiot am i... I figured it out guys... lol

Don-Roberto 08:53, December 5, 2010 (UTC)

What is the base number or reference number for this quest, I want to keep the surgical tools I Got through the console for roleplaying purposes but this character is NCR through and through and I don't want an unfinished, never TO be finished quest in my logbook.

Selling Arcade[]

Does anyone know how much in caps the good doctor is worth to Caesar? I'm unable to do so now because I opted to get the auto-doc, and I'm considering reloading an earlier save to recruit and sell Arcade.

Caesar gives you 10 Legion Aureus, which is 1000 caps. 07:55, July 28, 2011 (UTC)

Not There[]

The machine actually is not there, isn't in the clinic either.

Edit: Found it, was in the upstairs clinic, there's that many clinics it needs to be said which one.

Selling Arcade[]

I can't seem to get Lucius to give me the option to sell Arcade. It says tell Caesar you'll recover Auto-Doc will disable this, but I know I didn't do this as I'm still able to preform the surgery myself and keep the Legion friendly upon his death without the Speech check. Anyone know how to get Lucius to give you the option, or have simular problems?The Montreal Screwjob 04:39, January 23, 2011 (UTC)

I managed it by making sure I had Arcade with me before having the private chat with Caesar in his tent. I was then able to sell Arcade through the conversation with Caesar, without ever having to talk to Lucius. Hope that helps. 07:55, July 28, 2011 (UTC)

Um what?[]

"The acheivement/trophy could sometimes not be unlocked and can even disappear from you and your friends acheivement/trophy list. (Confirmed on Xbox)" Dunno why that would be there since this quest has no achievement for it. If its talking about the achievement for Render Unto Caesar then it should be on that page right?--Alpha Lycos 22:12, February 20, 2011 (UTC)

Official Game Guide[]

I got the game guide for about 12pounds. It tells me the Auto Doc is in Security Station A. Not there, and i come to the wikia and it turns out its in the clinic. That really sucks, i wonder what else the guide is wrong about.

The guide is wrong about anything that was changed by a patch that came out after its contents were finalized. - DUH - (The Game of the Year guide, if published, should have most of this corrected, as well as info on the DLC's.)DarthOrc 18:52, August 25, 2011 (UTC)DarthOrc

And what does Arcade have to say about this?[]

I'm curious what sorts of things Arcade might say to you when/after you sell him. But I just don't have the heart to do that to my Sassy Gay Friend. You can usually expect to find that kind of information in this wiki, but it's neither in this article or in Arcade's. Somebody might want to add that.

 One of my personal favorite lines of Arcade's was "Make like Odysseus and get lost"

Caesar still in Coma[]

Ok, well, I apparently ran into a bug that is not mentioned or remedied at all here. I "completed" the quest but Caesar is still in a coma. It says I need to perform the operation but I eed the surgical supplies, which Usanagi doesnt have (and since I did nto go there until finding out I had to on here, I know I did nto do anything with them before)

I sold Arcade to them, but also aquired the Auto Doc part, but Arcade is just moping around, and I cant put the part in.

Quick question[]

If you kill Caesar during the surgery, does it count as a kill on your statistics?
