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Fallout Wiki


any idea whether this also works for unarmed?

no it doesn't. I just tested it with Pushy, on two versions of the same character, one with the perk, the other without. Same critical damage for the different versions.

does this perk seem overpowered to anyone else, or is it just me?

not really, most melee weapons have low critical damage, if it worked with Unarmed too THEN it would be overpower. but if you get Better Criticals and Just lucky i'm alive perks , i suppose it works with somethin like 150% X 150% X 150% = around 340% crit damage.


Do this perk effect Throwing Weapons, they benefit from the melee weapon skill, so just wondered if anyone knew.

Can't get it[]

No new dialogue showing up for Veronica. I had already exhausted all of it before the DLC. Nothing new coming up. One line about Elijah, then nothing else.-- 19:26, February 24, 2011 (UTC)

You have to get the holotape from the terminal in the BoS bunker that gets unlocked after completing Dead Money. --IsaacSin 08:06, August 18, 2011 (UTC)

There is dialog under "Tell me about yourself". There is also something under "I want to ask you some questions" and then asking her about the brotherhood of steel. Not sure if the latter affects it at all though.

Even if the dialog is already used, basically reusing the dialog choice "Tell me about yourself" and going over the Father Elijah topic again (asking all available questions and responses) will then provide the "I found Father Elijah" topic once you back out to the first dialog choices at the beginning of the conversation screen.

Interaction with Better criticals?[]

Would the %-bonuses be added together or applied one after the other, i.e. would the critical damage be:

CRITDMG * (1 + 0,5 + 1,5) = CRITDMG * 3


CRITDMG * (1 + 0,5) * ( 1 + 1,5) = CRITDMG * 3,75


Actually, none of the above. Elijah's Ramblings does work multiplicative with Better Criticals, but doesen't give (1+1,5) that can be erroneously interpreted from the 150% bonus. The correct formula is:


--Neutrino2 01:04, October 3, 2011 (UTC)

Does this and Elijah's Last Words only affect you if Veronica is on your team, or is it a constant bonus?
