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Fallout Wiki


Edited bugs as the stuck voters is not a 360-specific occurrence.
Also corrected 'freezed' into 'frozen', tss tss tss.
Orme 22:43, 10 December 2008 (UTC)

Can you actually cast a vote yourself as the one line somebody stuck in there at the end of a section suggests? If you only have either Rosie or Bob run for election is it possible to convince the one who isn't running to vote for the one who is?

  • I don't believe so, on either count. You can't vote, and I think everyone either votes for Dave or for themselves. I convinced Rosie first, and when I mentioned to Bob that Rosie was also running, he decided to run as well. --Lastarael (talk) 14:28, October 5, 2012 (UTC)

Getting Dave's key for You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head[]

I presume you can collect his key for You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head from his corpse, however this needs checking.
Britishgaijin 11:30, 7 November 2008 (UTC).

Yes, you can. I tailed Dave at a short distance, staying at the edge of visibility in daytime. He hadn't made it half a kilometer from the compound before he was jumped and killed by a Giant Radscorpion (which I subsequently killed), leaving me free to loot his corpse. This does also illustrate that you can't count on him making it to Old Olney by himself.
Nick East 12:32, 30 November 2008 (UTC)

Tied election[]

What happens in a two-way or three-way tie? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

From the article: "If you convince Bob and Rosie to run for president and rig it so that they tie, Dave stays as president. He should say "There was a tie. Under these unique circumstances, I'll have to remain the leader until we know the results for sure" which is one of the dialogs in the game files, but in-game he would often say either Bob or Rosie won, and not leave the republic." --Voidvector 00:37, 13 January 2009 (UTC)

I've been having an issue with tied elections recently. Dave keeps declaring himself the winner and the election a tie, but I want Rosie to win. Is there any way to do this with console commands on PC? -- 21:14, January 17, 2012 (UTC)

PS3 Rosie and Bob run[]

"If you convince both Bob and Rosie to run for president and either: Remove all votes, leaving the ballot box empty OR Remove all Dave's votes, leaving one for Bob and one for Rosie will state that Rosie won, storm off, and: Bob's conversation will contain only the "sorry you lost" dialogue option AND Rosie's conversation will contain only the "sorry you lost" dialogue option"

If you talk to Dave before he storms off (have to do it quick!), he will actually leave and go to Old Olney (rather than to his office), where he will sit by himself. If you have a high sneak skill, it is very easy to pickpocket him as he sits there, and retrieve his Special Key.Deboriole 04:48, February 16, 2010 (UTC)

I ran into this situation on PS3 while playing and decided to see what effect the mesmetron would have on the outcome after neither won and Dave remained and I used it while hidden on Dave. As luck would have it made him hostile towards the citizens causing Rosie and Jessica (his 2 wives) to gun him down while he was attacking me. Since they killed him this made them stay friendly to me and I was able to picpocket Dave's corpse and get the key to open the safe thereby getting Ol' Painless. Afterwards when asking any of the citizens about the election they say "Are you kidding? Dave is dead. How can there be election with a dead candidate?" Also the citizens will give several responses about the future of the republic or lack thereof now that Dave is dead.

Rosie Bug Source[]

The election bug would seem to be caused by an error in the speech choices for Rosie that allows the player to convince her to run for president after she is told to vote. If the player attempts to speak to her about running in the election too near Dave she will respond that she won't talk about that where he might hear. In order to get her to actually run in the election, the speech choice must be done away from Dave(for example, in the next room) and before reminding her to vote. If she is told to vote then convinced to run for office her ballot is listed as for 'Dave' but she is still recognized as also running in the election by the other voters. The only way to keep the quest from breaking at that point, is when rigging the election, to make sure Bob runs and leaving at least one ballot in the ballot box. 04:44, September 9, 2009 (UTC)

Problem with Shawna[]

I was talking to Shawna after being told to go tell the adults to vote, and I said that the stuff in the mu\seum of Dave looked like a bunch of junk. Apparently that was enough to make her never talk to me again. Every time I try to talk to her she says "I have nothing more to say to you. You are the most unDave-like person I have ever met." and she walks away. Because of this, I cannot tell her to go vote. Because I cannot tell her to go vote, I cannot complete the quest. Any ideas?

Try killing Shawna in her sleep with Sandman.

election day[]

when does dave tell every1 if he has won or not

  • You can go to Dave after speaking to everyone and tell him that all the votes are in. He will then proceed to the ballot box (to the left of the stairs) and count the votes. If you want to fix the election be quick about hiding (I hid under the stairs) and clicking on the box as soon as you hear him "open" it. --Lastarael (talk) 14:50, October 5, 2012 (UTC)

Always Tied?[]

No matter how fast I click on the ballot box (basically button-mashing as soon as he walks up to it), he always manages to get one out for himself, seemingly before he even unlocks it. Were there supposed to be more than 4 votes for him in there?

Well, I guess a presidential assassination is in order.

  • This also happened to me. He pulls out a vote for himself (perhaps counting his vote?) before he opens the box. I was still able to remove three Dave votes and one Bob vote, and leave Rosie's in there. He talks about the election being rigged but still names Rosie president and storms out. --Lastarael (talk) 14:54, October 5, 2012 (UTC)

Can Rosie still win?[]

So, I think I might be screwed. I want Rosie to win, but she already voted for Dave before I convinced her to run. Now, I can only steal all the ballots, leaving none left. Dave will act like Rosie wins, but then the glitch happens and he pretends he won. Yes, I already saved before realizing this.

Can I still put a ballot in for Rosie at this point? (On Xbox 360)

What's the Point?[]

Besides the You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head quest, is there any point to rigging the election? I feel like this is massively underdeveloped. Nothing changes if anyone else wins and there is no Karma change either way. Am I missing something or is this just for our own personal edification? Degrelescence (talk) 01:09, July 1, 2015 (UTC)
