Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Good place to earn trophies/achievements and challenges.[]

Having a scoped weapon you can sit on the rocks just north of Helios One and snipe these ants at a safe distance. Doing so will gain tons of different challenges completions depending on what type of gun you have as well as the insect killing challenge which rewards you with a insect killing perk. There are a few trophies/achievements that can be gained by completing these challenges. Just come here every 3 days after they respawn while on your way to do a task or quest for the day, and take them out along the way.-- 20:11, November 9, 2010 (UTC)

Map plz?[]

There should probably be a Pip-Boy map pic for this location, especially since the Lonesome Drifter's page says it is the closest place to his campsite.

Fire ant meat and nectar.[]

It is very notable to anyone who has played on Hardcore - Hard. Mictlantecuhtli 19:44, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
