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Worthless Quest?[]

How can this quest possibly be worthwhile? To get 20 Chinese Assault Rifles you will have to go to one of the locations mentioned on the main page. Lets say, however, you only get 15 from one of those locations and you get 5 from random encounters. The 5 are heavily used and worth maybe 75 caps each. But the 15 that you find at one of those locations will be better maintained and worth 175-225 caps each. Even with a lousy Barter skill that gives you 2/3 of a rifle's value, you should be able to get at least 1500 caps for these 20 rifles if you sold them instead of giving them away to Pronto.. So how is a 20% discount with Pronto going to make up for losing that 1500 caps? If he was selling furnishings for your room, maybe it would be worthwhile, but otherwise, no. 05:58, 1 April 2009 (UTC)

You're neglecting the value of the improved inventory. If $improved_inventory_value + ( .2 * $expendature) > $avg_sellprice_of_rifles * 20, then the completing the quest is an economically sound decision. The value of the improved inventory in caps is subjective, depending not only on context, but on personal preferences. Some probably find the quest worthwhile just for the sake of completing the quest, regardless of the economics of it. Duncanxxxx 17:36, 1 April 2009 (UTC)

Given that you can buy missiles and few other rarer ammos from him once his inventory is improved, that does kinda add to it's worth. Besides, if you are patient you can use only one in such bad repair it's hardly a sacrifice, 100-200 caps.Cavesloth 18:03, 1 April 2009 (UTC) Cavesloth

I'm at the stage I don't need the money, only a few to repair the X assault rifle, so I am just doing it to see what "unique" weapons he might offer. BTW, unless I am mistaken, there were at least 3 rifles in the abandoned apartments in The Pitt, (bit of a long way to go, but if you do the Pitt earlier in the game, it might be worth keeping in mind)

The 20% Discount Doesn't Seem to Affect Pronto's Buying Prices[]

The 20% discount seems to affect Pronto's selling prices only, not his buying prices. Can anyone else confirm? -- Jargonz 04:50, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

Easiest method of completion.[]

Steal the rifles from the Paradise Falls slavers, and then clear out Mama Dolce's. Mission done with rifles to spare and the slavers are disarmed for when you release any slaves. Save before trying to steal their weapons, also stealing from slavers does not cause a loss of karma. Mictlantecuhtli 05:42, August 17, 2010 (UTC)

.44 Rounds, and Scoped .44's[]

I was wondering if anyone had found in his GECK files if he is more likely to sell these? Going on 190 hours of gameplay now and he still carries 30+ of the .44 rounds on every visit, and reliably sells scoped .44's also. Mictlantecuhtli 14:41, August 25, 2010 (UTC)

Killing slavers after the quest is complete?[]

Does killing the every slaver except for Pronto and Cutter AFTER you complete this quest turn Pronto hostile and not allow you to utilize the rewards? SiennaCentaur (talk) 17:19, May 4, 2014 (UTC)

This character would seem to be loosely based on the outstanding economist and political sociologist Vilfredo Pareto, who, along with George Sorel, drew attention to the role of violence in social evolution.