Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


It seems like there's a missing or link for Dupont Circle STATION.

Ghouls in Dupont[]

Is this the only place inside the DC ruins where you can find ferals on the surface? Just wanting to know and wandering why they only appear here. Also, after they are killed, do they ever respawn?

Ghouls in Dupont[]

Is this the only place inside the DC ruins where you can find ferals on the surface? Just wanting to know and wandering why they only appear here. Also, after they are killed, do they ever respawn?

Specific Bug?[]

I was in Dupont the other day, and i hopped in the fountain to experience the non-rad fountain. This is before the patch that allows it to be drinkable. I touched the middle on purpose to see if the rads did in fact occur and they did. I decided i didnt want rads in the pool so i reloaded a save that i had made WHILE IN THE FOUNTAIN (before touching middle, and i was near the rim). I loaded the save and to my happiness the rads where gone so i hopped out of the pool, well i shouldnt say hop, i was swimming. Yes swimming across the fountain and the circle around it. But it wasnt just the fountain and the little circle that i was swimming on, it was the entire plaza surrounding the fountain and i was swimming on the ground. After i got tired of "flying" i swam out of the immediate area and it fixed the swimming issue. --FLaSHBaCK HaSH 02:22, April 19, 2010 (UTC)

Getting a clue[]

I can only hope that other editing travesties offer clues to their perpetration as good as the dangling sentence "The Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor mentioned above", that remained after all its context had been removed.

VvAnarchangelvV 04:03, June 29, 2011 (UTC)

World map inaccuracy.[]

I'm amazed nobody pointed out that the pip boy locations and your marker are at the incorrect spot for Dupont Circle locations. Especially when you are at the fountain roundabout, your marker is not even at the correct location according to the street layout on the pip boy map. This also causes the odd effect of the front and back doors of GNR to be so far apart on the world map. If you were move all the locations and your marker to the east, locations start to make sence on the world map. 16:25, October 26, 2011 (UTC)

U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes[]

I am looking for all the skill books and when I had trouble finding the Sunken Sewer I came to this page but I see that no one posted any info about it in the notable loot part. Sunken Sewer is in Dupont Circle so shouldn't the book be mentioned here too? -- 01:20, August 16, 2013 (UTC)
