Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Dino Bite Gift Shop - Yes We Have T-Rexes[]

For curiosity - does anyone know if the toys are of any importance? I noticed he has a limit of 1,000 dino's- wasn't sure if buying them would accessing anything....

... Just confirmed - buying them does nothing. Please disregard :) KermEd 20:40, October 23, 2010 (UTC)

Rocket Souvenir[]

Connected the Rocket Souvenir with its associated quest (for those who use the wiki to make purchases at stores for later quests). Corrected the value as it claimed a value of 1 cap per rocket. The actual in-game VAL is 3 - which has a different actual-sale value depending on the users Barter skills. Cheers KermEd 20:52, October 23, 2010 (UTC)

clipping into the wall[]

If your standing inside the gift shop facing cliff, toggle collision off, and walk right, into the wall and a key will be floating there. The key is for the storeroom, i think its stored there because you can purchase it, and i believe many more keys exist inside walls when yo can buy them
