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Fallout Wiki

Nelson Latimer[]

approached him in sneak, /w chameleon items on + stealthb oy active + 21 perception (via chems, hat+goggles) and maxed out pickpocketing, seems to be inevitable you are being detected 100% (force-detection??) if you try to pick his 841 caps before the fight.

noticed him to run off on several attempts to this quest, loosing him "in the distance" somewhat 90+ away, quest then turning to "interrogate trish" as soon as the three triggermen are down. No exact idea, what happens to nelson, when he runs off, whether he dies and thus setting the quest to the next stage or he just leaves and runs for his daddy.

clarification would be great.

Goodneighbour bug[]

If I opened by attacking the deal without talking first, then let Trish go, Goodneighbour would turn hostile. I tried with and without Cooke. However it played out, Goodneighbour would always turn hostile. The only exception was if I spoke to them so they turned hostile before I fired the first shot. PS4 version. Tropxe (talk) 01:03, November 18, 2015 (UTC)

This just happened to me on Survival mode. I told Paul to kill Cooke, and then recovered his note. Went to the ambush, and threw some grenades immediately. Went to Goodneighbour and they were all hostile to me and they killed me. When my save reloaded that had Cooke killed but hadn't gone to the ambush yet, I went straight to Goodneighbour and they were non-hostile.

Bringing Cooke to the deal and Trish lives[]

If you bring Cooke to the deal, and let Trish live, it is possible to save Trish by killing Cooke. Note that if Trish is injured in any way whilst taking down Cooke, she will remain hostile. If she lives in a hostile state, the entire GoodNeighbour faction will become hostile.

Experiment in progress to test this code path, update to follow by 28th Nov, as have yet to finish quest

After accepting the 50-50 option, it is possible to steal the 5 containers of chems while sneaking and avoid adverse consequences. Paul will walk over and obtain another set from one container, possibly giving the chance to get 6 total.

Cooke killing Trish whilst in conversation glitches Paul[]

Didn't talk to Paul and headed to meeting with Cooke instead. During conversation with Trish she got shot by Cooke.

Paul then did his unresponsive march. Gave up and did something else. When I went back he'd managed to disentangle himself from where he'd previously got stuck and was now standing over Trish's corpse.

That's where things took a turn to the macarbre. When I moved the pointer over her a conversation popped up. Picked the top option and suddenly was talking to the dead. Finished and Paul turned round and headed back to Diamond City. Caught up with him and was able to talk and end his part of the quest.

Have since seen a video of someone speaking to Father after the institute is destroyed. Would speculate that somehow someone dying whilst you're in a conversation that's scripted as part of a quest causes this glitch.

I've seen similar goal seeking behaviour from at least one companion who became oblivious until his program had run its course.

This was on an Xbox One so your milage may vary.

In summary, in some circumstances a character being killed in mid conversation leaves that conversation open. Which leads to the ridiculous state of affairs where you can continue even though the other person's dead. In this quest the outcome of your conversation with Trish determines how Paul will act. So he's waiting for you to finish talking and locks up until you do.

Another route in the quest[]

Just letting you know I had a different outcome than listed here in the page. If someone wants to confirm it and update the page please?

Steps: 1: I walked into the bar and saw the initial argument. 2: Refused to help Paul. 3: I later decided to visit the bar randomly before Paul's wife asked me about Paul. I don't remember where I was in the other quest lines at this point, but I suspect your progress in one of the other quests prompts Darcy to approach you. 4: When entering the bar I see Paul and Cooke arguing, and Paul has a pipe pistol out. Cooke tries to calm Paul down, fails and returns fire after Paul shoots him. Paul is killed. 5: Cooke talks me into helping him with the deal. 6: Darcy approaches me asking about Paul. You can feign ignorance or tell her Cooke killed him in self-defense then fled town. There may be other dialog options and outcomes here but I choose just tell her the truth immediately. She gets very upset and blames herself.

After that everything goes the same according to the wiki article.

One side note. After killing Paul, Cooke expressed regret about fooling around with Darcy. He also commented that him and Paul were old friends and it was a stupid decision to sleep with his wife. Just adding that because I'm not sure if the only way to get that info is to be there for the shoot out or not. 05:24, December 26, 2015 (UTC)

Different ending.[]

I just finished this quest, and things ended kinda differently. Did everything the standard way up till calming Cooke in the bar by myself, after which we both went straight for the deal (I had a feeling Paul would get on my nerves so I kept him out of the loop). At the spot, I went to Latimer and chose the rudest possible answer since he trash-talked me in Diamond city and also to have the whole party go hostile instantly, engaged battle, blasted Latimer and VATS'ed the 3 triggermen asap to get to the interrogate Trish.

Turns out, I had already found the 4 leaf fishpacking plant so Trish was quite miserable in her attempts to have me spare her and after convincing her to tell first about the plant, I had a full dialogue option with 4 ways to tell that I had hit the place, blasting what she thought her trump card to get out of this pinch to oblivion.

I spared her anyway so Cooke would kill her (slight mistake here, you probably should blast her a bit beforehand as a fight from full health between them drags on a hell of a lot, and is balanced enough that Cooke may very well bite it). Once Trish died, Cooke said he'd leave the chems for me to sell and disappear from Diamond city, that it was better this way as Marowski would never believe he alone survived the ambush. So I had all five containers for myself, without having to split with anyone, and Cooke... well no idea what he does after, I helped him disappear for good *ahem* (He DID make it clear that there should be no witness in the bar, so sue me). Quest finishes while he talks about the chems and his leaving Diamond city and Goodneighbor still likes me too since I never harmed Trish.

Tried talking to Paul after all that, I inform he won't be bothering his wife again. You can tell him you got rid of Cooke, or stay evasive. Nothing more.

Mortbise (talk) 11:48, December 31, 2015 (UTC)

Had a similar situation, let Trish live, Cooke attacked her, but the plucky ghoul grabbed a machine gun off of a dead triggerman and got some distance between them. Cooke couldn't hit squat from distance with his shotgun, so Trish bumped him off and fled. Updating the main page to show that Cooke doesn't always prevail in the fight. --DocSilence (talk) 19:16, January 26, 2016 (UTC)

Alternative branch on the tree[]

I dont know how to edit the tree, but I was able to confront and kill cooke myself, then find paul afterward (in the inn) and have him come with me to the drug deal. 18:29, January 8, 2016 (UTC)

Yes the optional 'talk to Paul' is there, after you kill Cooke. 18:17, February 2, 2016 (UTC)

Missing Section[]

This walkthrough is incomplete. After talking Pembroke out of accompanying me to the bar, I spoke to Cooke and agreed to the ambush. Here is where the walkthrough is incomplete... At this point the quest has 2 objectives. 1. Go to the ambush site, and 2. Go talk to Pembroke.

If you go to Pembroke first:

The Sole Survivor tells Pembroke that Cooke has been dealt with. Pembroke thanks and pays the Sole Survivor.

At this point you have two options:

1. Say goodbye to Pembroke, leaving him out of the drug/cash deal. 2. Tell Pembroke that Cooke has a plan to ambush the drug deal. The Sole Survivor can now recruit Pembroke to come along for extra firepower.

Splitting the goods with Paul[]

  • I ran the quest last night and explored every permutation I could think of, and when it came time to split the goods, only the 50-50 option made him into the new owner of the Taphouse, which took effect immediately upon returning to Diamond City. He was wearing fancier clothes and had merchant services available. The 70-30 split did NOT make him the new owner as implied in the Notes, instead it resulted in the same bitter tone he takes when you rob him blind, and I couldn't find him at the Taphouse. If possible, I'd like a second confirmation on how the 70-30 plays out as opposed to the 50-50 before I amend the Notes any further, namely how it affects the dialogue with Colette, whom I've yet to encounter. RShepard227 (talk) 23:10, January 27, 2016 (UTC)

I'm up to this stage but Paul won't talk to me.... I've searched Trish, picked up and read the note and he just stands there - I can talk to Cait and Cooke has left already... I tried fast travelling away and walking back, tried saving and reloading, even tried shutting down and loading it back up. On PS4 so console commands won't help... think I might have to go back to autosave before the ambush).DngnRdr (talk) 08:14, June 25, 2016 (UTC)

Article Incorrect?[]

Contrary to what the article says, the PC version doesn't seem to care if you kill them without first talking.

I had Cook and Paul with me as well as companion Cait. I sniped one of the henchmen from a distance (instant kill headshot), then ran in and finished them off. I learned all the info from Trish, then when she ran off and Cooke attacked her, I killed him and she got away.

I checked my relationship with Cait and my murder stats, and neither had changed. Although now I'm wondering when I murdered 5 others before now :(

After I screwed Paul with a 70-30 split, Cait liked that and I got another 30 points positive relationship with her.

I didn't want to edit the main article without independent verification though.

The article's still in rough draft mode, even after that cleanup I gave it a week ago. Personally, I simply don't have the time to check that with every companion, nor the wherewithal to postpone the quest until I get X6-88 as a companion, so I have no idea who turns on you for doing that. Cait doesn't seem the type, she's one of the "evil" companions, to use the Karma terms. However, on PS4 the Murder stat definitely ticked when I put one in non-hostile Nelson Latimer first.
Also, did it say "Cait 'liked' that" and gave 30 points, or "Cait 'loved' that" and gave 30 points? If the latter, that's normal according to the Affinity page, and if the former, that just confirms the theory that each action has its own value not as simply put on the page. (I'd really appreciate a double check on that for the sake of a project I'm mulling.) RShepard227 (talk) 21:47, February 1, 2016 (UTC)

Notes Section[]

Would like some verification of the new addition (top) to the Notes section, that says if you admit to killing Nelson's son he sends triggermen after you. This sounds suspiciously like the Marowski revenge plot. Maybe the OP had both situations and is mistaken about where the triggermen come from?

Also regarding the same addition, I'd like verification that the guards behave differently than with the Marowski triggermen and attack you and have the whole city against you. With the Marowski triggermen, the guards do behave oddly in that they shout warnings to you when the triggermen appear, but they don't intervene on either side. They have never attacked me unless I have inadvertently damaged them or an innocent citizen.--DocSilence (talk) 18:42, April 2, 2016 (UTC)

Added 'verification needed' marker to paragraph in question.--DocSilence (talk) 14:04, April 4, 2016 (UTC)

May want to add something about the companion bug.

The quest reaches a point where there really is no "niceguy" option in the dialogue. You either have to kill Cooke or do the drug deal. So some people just choose to walk away from the dialogue altogheter. This causes the "talk" option on companions to become unresponsive, which in turn makes you unable to dismiss them. Cooke is usually the culprit when it comes to this bug since his options forces people to be bad either way. It can probably also happen with other questgivers where you just walk away from the dialogue.

Cooke-Paul Incident[]

So when first entering the Taphouse and Cooke and Paul got into the fight, I, with good faith, tried to get in between them and ended up accidentally hitting Cooke which resulting in Paul being killed. And everyone in Diamond turning hostile. I went away for 24 hours and came back to try and start this quest but when I selected the "Argument," the Sole Survivor asked but then Cooke wouldn't respond and I was unable to do anything, even open the Pip-Boy, leave, or do anything.

Would that be considered a bug, or a result at the cost of my own actions?

Jenkins the Editor! ^_^ - (Jenkins' Comlink) 05:31, January 25, 2018 (UTC)

If Cooke didn't die, Colette might still threaten[]

When I initially did the quest, Cooke killed Trish and left. The point Colette will also show up and engage the player character in dialogue if Cooke took his leave peacefully after the busted drug deal. ends with Afterwards, Colette will leave without any danger of a fight. I'm not sure what is referring to but when I went through this I did this I lied I didn't know anything about him and later she confronted me and I had hard choices (in orange or red) and chose that I didn't know who killed him, she then told me she should kill me anyway but wasn't sure yet. I took no chance and while sneaking with a suppressed weapon 1-shotted her. The guards were hostile a short time then I became hidden and it was as nothing happened. DynV (talk) 16:31, May 26, 2020 (UTC)
