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Fallout Wiki


So just from the looks of it, it seems like NCR Ranger combat armor without the disguise effect. Am I correct? Btron4ever 21:19, May 17, 2011 (UTC)

That's really exactly what it is. It has a little different camo, but that's it.--With care and happiness, Supermutantslayer450' YOU. LOSE. 22:28, May 17, 2011 (UTC)

its non faction armour

It also has 2 more DT than the NCR Ranger version and more item HP, making it (as the Honest Hearts release) the second best medium armor in the game, beaten only by the Gannon Family Tesla Armor. Flaktrooper May 25, 2011.

The Picture[]

There should be a picture of this armor, not the NCR Ranger combat armor. Almighty Higgey 23:38, May 17, 2011 (UTC)

Managed to find a picture, somewhere. Uploading a better one now.--FAR-02C 04:30, May 18, 2011 (UTC)


What are the chances that the NCR armour combination developed independently from this armour and managed to somehow turn out the same (excluding paintjob) despite a difference of a century. They could have come up with something unique. --User:Cartman!User talk:Cartman! 11:47, May 18, 2011 (UTC)

Who says it was developed independently? The Desert Rangers were incorporated into NCR Rangers, so they were likely the origin of the design (especially given that it's consistent with Tycho's description in FO1). Ausir(talk) 11:49, May 18, 2011 (UTC)
The most likly occurence was the pre-war government developed the armor as either a replacement for the Combat Armor Mark 2 (due to him USMC being deployed in both China and Canada), or developed as a US Ranger / law enforcement armor.--Ant2242 17:20, May 18, 2011 (UTC)
I had written this before the R.B. Vickers Desert Ranger information was added (or I overlooked it), I thought it was independently put together by this Survivalist fellow so yes you're probably right. --User:Cartman!User talk:Cartman! 02:00, May 20, 2011 (UTC)

Shining Armor?[]

Does the In Shining Armor perk from the Dead Money DLC work with this armor the way it does with the NCR Ranger combat armor?

Most likely. Almighty Higgey 14:45, May 19, 2011 (UTC)

no it's not listed surprisingly

It may be a similar story to pyromaniac affecting non-listed weapons via script. Someone should look this up as I have no idea how to. -- 19:34, September 8, 2011 (UTC)

NCR Clothe Change[]

"After the merge between the Desert Ranger and the NCR Rangers in 2271, this armor model was abandoned and a new less protective armor was created for the New California Republic's veteran Rangers based on this, the NCR Ranger combat armor." I don't think that this is written in a good way. It kind of means that the NCR said "yeh, here you have some NEW weaker protection now, kthxby." But the normal NCR ranger trooper armor already existed before-- It's the NCRs standard ranger armor. It is more logical that the riot armor was just exchanged with the normal ranger trooper armor, because this equipment is very rar and expensive.--Mr.Lexx(talk) 11:46, May 21, 2011 (UTC)

It's no doubt been reinforced extensively both for the Marines it was intended for and by SSGT. Vickers and Clark. I changed it. :3 Nitty Tok. 11:49, May 21, 2011 (UTC)

possible glitch[]

On the 23rd, I was wearing this armour inside the mohave outpost barracks. To the right as you enter there is a poster of an NCR Veteran ranger wearing the NCR Veteran ranger combat helmet. I went Over to the corner, and the Night-eye effect, Identical to that of cateye when taken, appeared on my screen. I made sure I still had all my cateye in my inventory, so i know I did not take any. It continued until I took the helmet to this armour off, at which time it ceased. I was wondering if this could be sume kind of night vision mode which was taken out before the release of Honest Hearts. I play NV on an Xbox 360, and have it installed to hardrive to minimise glitches and freezing. There are in-game sources that tell you the NCR ranger Vet helmet has some kind of low light filter, to improve vision at night. I will attempt to replicate the glitch and find these sources. --KusseldorfEggcup 16:00, May 25, 2011 (UTC)

I play on the PC, and had this happen to me when wearing this armor in Honest Hearts. I don't know what triggered it on, or off, but it seemed to be timed -- I didn't take the helmet off. I wasn't carrying any cateye at the time, and the effect seemed to be a bit brighter than cateye. Wunengzi 07:31, June 2, 2011 (UTC)

By all means, please continue. This could be an invaluable asset in nightfighting. Anybody else who experiences similar vision modifiers, please post to this column, Anon or not. I do not have this DLC yet, so I cannot personally test it. Good fortune to you men of science! --Delta1138 SnooPING AS usual I see 16:17, May 25, 2011 (UTC)

This happens due to NPCs drinking the Nuka Cola Quartz on the counter behind Lacy. The script that handles the night vision effect doesn't confirm that it was the player who drank it, just that someone drank it. --Rooker75 17:39, June 6, 2011 (UTC)

Repair in Zion?[]

I have this armor now, but I've used it to the point that its performance is deteriorating. I don't know if there are any medium armors in Zion Canyon, and I cannot afford the 15000+ caps needed to have Joshua Graham repair it. I didn't bring any medium armor with me, and the only other armor I have with me is the Armored Vault 13 Jumpsuit. Does anyone know any solutions? P.S. I play on an Xbox 360, so I cannot use console commands to repair it, get extra copies, or spawn medium armor. --Delta1138 SnooPING AS usual I see 16:32, May 31, 2011 (UTC)

Then don't use it. It's valuable, costs too much to repair. If your REALLY don't want to use the Vault suit, buy some armor, or scavenge it. And yes, there are a lot of medium armors, just not so much as in the Mojave. I assume you're looking for some because you have Jerry Rigging? If so, just buy some medium armor from Graham and use that. --Captain tweed 01:04, June 8, 2011 (UTC)

the tourniquet[]

is it worth noting that the survivalist wrapped it there after he was shot on the leg by one of the vaulters? if you need proof read his entries

I was just about to comment on this myself. He does mention in one of his entries that he was hit in the leg and he wrapped his injury with a tourniquet to avoid leaving a blood trail. Zac hemker 23:29, July 9, 2011 (UTC)

Is this really a tourniquet? The NCR and Riot versions also have a band around the right mid-thigh. --Lyssla (talk) 17:51, July 2, 2014 (UTC)

Clipping Issues[]

Is there any way to fix the clipping issues where rifles and other weapons disappear into the back of the overcoat? This thing looks so awesome but the way the coat absorbs most weapons just kills it for me.--FAR-02C 03:48, June 11, 2011 (UTC)

I wish that this armor isn't lightweight Rzeźnik 11:29, June 15, 2011 (UTC)

Use a Ranger Sequoia, still looks awesome but with heavy firepower. If you can't afford the ammo, the Mysterious Magnum (my weapon of choice always :D) still fits the look. The clipping problems didn't really annoy me that much since i'm a self-proclaimed fastest shot in the Mojave, revolvers are a real man's weapon. I still hate to see an imperfection in such an awesome outfit, just seems so wrong. Hope to hear of some good news.

Why would you want non lightwieght armor? Low wieght + high DT = good armor.--Christian Broach (talk) 18:17, September 2, 2012 (UTC)

They should've put more work into it.....[]

I mean, look at it! It's just a re-skin. But look at the other armor in the add-on. It's like they gave up and said "well i guess i'll just re-skin the veteran armor seeing as how i'm so professional i don't need an original idea!" Sorry for the rant, just needed to get that off my chest.

Why should've they made it substantially different? Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel

(call!) 14:57, June 26, 2011 (UTC)

Well, it would've looked more like "combat" armor if they ditched the trench coat, maybe added boots and pants like the merc grunt outfit, and a bandoleer like from one of the ranger red scarf outfit, i mean, how hard can it be?

So make another generic armour? JE Sawyer mentioned that the reskin was added so that players could have an NCR Veteran armour look-alike without having to kill a Ranger or allying with the NCR. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 06:05, June 27, 2011 (UTC)

Good point. But i was thinking this:a marine wore the armor, so he would've kept his state of dress inclined to what he was used to. Idk, it just feels off with that trench coat, i mean i'm killing cazadores! Not trying to find a murderer! LOL P.S. COOKIES FTW!!!!

Oh and btw: i really like what they did with the helmet. tells a story! a lot of people who sided with the nec liked the look but hated ncr ranger Armor being faction ARMOR.

Why would they ever make it substantially different? The entire point of the armor is fan service, for people who wanted to wear it without the disguise effect. The armor is quintessential sci-fi meets western armor, and changing it by removing the duster look ruins that whole image. There are plenty of other suits of armor with that purpose if that is how you want to appear. 21:37, August 2, 2011 (UTC)

My only problem with it looks wise was the helmet, I can appreciate the dates and marks, but the "Forgive me mama!" just does not give off the kind of vibe I want

This idiot obviously did not see the logic behind re-skinning. Why waste precious time and money designing a completely new model (that is, canonically, manufactured identically by the NCR) when you can just strip off the old paint and paint it again? If you were in the same situation, I can guarantee you that you would just reskin. On a side note, the DRCA is COMPLETELY superior to the NCRRCA, so why fuss about it? And no, you are not sorry for the rant and you did not need to get that off your chest, which completely contradicts your whole rant in the first place. Collaborator1337 (talk) 00:40, December 23, 2013 (UTC)


description says the helmet includes a built in "low light optics, a flashlight, and gas mask" do these actually exist/do anything?

I have no idea who you are, but those are just "For show" as some would put it. Collaborator1337 (talk) 00:42, December 23, 2013 (UTC)

"Desert" Ranger combat armor[]

Removed mention of the Desert Rangers, as the connection is tenuous at best, completely unfounded at worst. At present the only connection seems to be the name, which more than likely simply refers to the desert camouflage pattern on the body armour and the fact that it is a unique version of Ranger combat armour.---AR- (talk) 15:55, November 16, 2014 (UTC)

Why's the Wrist So Tiny[]

Why is the wrist of the armor so tiny? Every time I equip a two-handed weapon, the left wrist area looks tiny compared to the rest of my arm/my other wrist. Is there a way to fix this?
