Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Ghoul hater?[]

I heard Dave mutter something biggot: "those damn ghouls i should kill them all".

I don't if anybody has hearing him say this --Azazass 01:10, October 5, 2009 (UTC)

Ya i have heard him say it.


P.S I dont have an account so thats why i put Non-User


wait, wait, wait, so dave has two wives and everyone else in the town is his kid? umm... wow... thats just... disturbing.

Dave commenting on his own death[]

I was fooling around with the console commands to kill and resurrect Dave. The interesting part is that you can talk to Dave and ask him about the election after his death. He responds with the voice acted sentence, "Are you kidding? Dave is dead. How can there be an election with a dead candidate?" I find it quite funny that they would have had the voice actor for Dave record a line commenting on his own death. -- 06:51, February 12, 2011 (UTC) Egghead

Wandering Old Olney[]

I ended up stealing the ballots from the box during the election, resulting in Bob being elected as president. I spoke to Dave before he left and he told me was going to Old Olney. I fast traveled there to find him sitting in an alley right where I spawned.

The only thing is I can't talk to him, and he seems to be intent on wandering Old Olney. At first he was sitting on the ground, then a deathclaw came by, I killed it, and Dave went wandering saying things like "Is there somebody there?". He doesn't respond to my attempts to talk to him, and despite having traveled around Old Olney for a while with him, making sure he wasn't killed by the deathclaws, he is still unresponsive.

I know when you talk to him he only eventually turns hostile but still, this seems a little odd.

Note: After a while I decided to allow the deathclaws to kill him so I could rob him for his stuff.
