Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Regarding the images: My computer is six years old at this point and as a result the screen-shots I took are very unflattering. However, this article does need images so consider them placeholders until someone can upload something better.

CTD: I received a consistent [consistent, in my mind, being 5 times] CTD when trying to bring Elliott Tercorien in with me. Only when I left him behind was I able to continue forward. I didn't place this on the page because it is my experience only. Can someone else confirm?

Someone who managed to get him in should add what happens with him and his soldiers.

Doors being locked: Other players experiencing this can be found here, here and here --Carpathian Cookie 00:53, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

All I ask is that the format is kept in the articles. If it says unconfirmed and you know it is a known bug, do not just removed the unconfirmed tag. Change it to (confirmed XXX). XXX is whatever platform(s) this bug occurs on. Thanks.--Kingclyde 00:56, 5 August 2009 (UTC)
That makes more sense I agree. Changed. --Carpathian Cookie 01:19, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

After the doors have locked the only way to exit is via the teleporter yes? Well on my 360 the teleporter doesnt function on one run through so I'm tapped, has this happened to anyone else?

Consistency On the Mothership Zeta main page the separate links for locations Cryo Lab and Cryo Storage both point to this single article. However, the separate links for Maintenance and Waste Disposal point to two separate articles, even though they are just as related to each other as Cryo Lab and Cryo Storage are. For the sake of consistency, either this article should be divided or the Maintenance and Waste Disposal articles should be merged. Any thoughts on how this should be? --Phiont 06:52, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

Son of Bob Reference?[]

I don't know, but in the Cryo Lab closet you find a Grimy Prewar Suit (Black, almost identical to the one Bob's Son in Fo2 wears) with some iguana bits below it. Anyone else think that is pointless or a reference? LoneRanger558 00:13, January 5, 2010 (UTC)

Consistent CTD when attempting to go into Cryo Lab[]

When I try to enter the Cryo Lab, it goes into the loading screen, then that's when the CTD happens. I even tried using the console command movetoqt, bringing me to the quest target, but still it crashes to the desktop. Does anyone have a solution to this, otherwise I'll be stuck on mothership zeta forever...thanks. -- 07:12, February 5, 2011 (UTC)

Record Mismatch[]

Records 16 and 25 are actually 25 and 16, they're transposed on the map. Not a big deal, just confusing if using this as a guide to get them all. 13:38, June 24, 2016 (UTC)
