Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


This may be a Half-Life reference, they came out in the same year.

Actually, it can't. Fallout came out a year before Half-Life. Ausir 21:32, 7 November 2008 (UTC)
And really, you think Half-Life invented crowbars? The same logic is to call a birthday cake a Portal reference in a child's birthday party.

ST/EN check?[]

Is there a check for opening doors with the crowbar? The Vault 8 page mentions that taking Buffout and using one can greatly help in opening the doors. Nitty 21:25, October 17, 2009 (UTC)

If I recall correctly opening the doors in Vault 8 requires a 7 (or 8 I can't recall which) ST check. And equipping the Crowbar while opening said doors yields a +1 to ST for that check. So yes equipping the Crowbar and dosing up on Buffout should allow even a weaker character to crack open those doors. - Your's Truly, SC

Well, thanks. Any other doors, though? Nitty Tok. 15:49, August 4, 2010 (UTC)
I actually don't know whether or not it does. I guess you'd just have to try it in game. (I would check, but I lack both the time and patience to test it out myself) - Your's Truly, SC

hey its gordon freeman!!!!!!!

"Fallout came out a year before Half-Life. Ausir 21:32, 7 November 2008 (UTC)"

Yeah, if anything HL is the ripoff franchise.
