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Fallout Wiki


Anyone able to post up the Quest ID for this one?

the evidence[]

Okay, this is my first time posting on falloutwikia and sorry if I do something wrong. I've been trying to get the deathclaw gauntlet schematics, but I can't find the evidence in Seagrave's room. Is it under his bed or something?

under the bed resting against the back of the foot locker

Nice math[]

"Note that upon taking the market trader perk, you'll recieve a 25% discount at every store, meaning you'll negate the 10% increase at either store and finish with a 15% discount no matter what choice you make."

Except, when he's increased his price 10%, the 110% = 100%. When you subtract the 25% off of those 100% you won't get 15%!—Preceding comment was unsigned. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Depends on how the bonus is applied really. If the formula is price = base price * (1 + 0.1 - 0.25), then the sentence is correct, if the formula is price = base price * 1.1 * 0.75 then you are correct. Removing the sentence nonetheless, Master Trader applies to all merchants after all and Seagrave/Bannon will still be relatively more expensive than other merchants. -- Porter21 (talk) 12:28, 25 May 2009 (UTC)

Don't you get a discount aswell for completing the Survival Guide, the last part of find Rivet City's true history (Optional objective)? Kinda even's out, but I don't know how much of a discount you really get. But taking the deathclaw schematic seems like the better choice. Unless you don't care to get all three schematics. +10% for siding with Banon, but you get -10% for completing the Rivit city optional objective quest. They cancel each other out, so now you get the reagular price from Seagrave. But if you have a 100 barter, and the perk, you still win for taking the schematic.--GodsHand 22:08, March 11, 2010 (UTC)

The schematic would be an incentive, unless you had an encounter prior to Rivet City that involved killing a deathclaw standing over a corpse containing the schematic (in my case, this happened outside the Anchorage War Memorial). In this case, I already have the schematic, so both offers are equivalent, and a matter of personal discretion, as it should be. -- 17:02, April 15, 2014 (UTC)


I killed Danvers, is there anyway to do this now? Can I talk to Harkness?

No option[]

Theres no option about a Council when I talked to him. Any suggestions? -- 15:12, 24 July 2009 (UTC)

Same for me, i can't reset this quest (no ID). If anyone had an idea ...

Railway Rifle Schematic[]

There a hint on Seagrave Holmes' terminal about a possible schematic, was this originaly intended as a reward for siding with him?

Cash Registers[]

I don't know whether I'm special, but I don't recieve bad karma for lockpicking either Bannon's or Seagraves' cash registers. As far as I can tell, it doesn't apply to any other cash registers in the market; stealing the money still gives the usual -5 karma; the council seat quest doesn't affect it (I've checked an earlier save), but I figured this would be the best page for the info. Can someone verify and then post? --Davii 01:00, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
