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Fallout Wiki

Can verify DCR not playing bug on PC. Travis is in the building but it's not playing. Have not verified console command can fix it because I don't know how.

Travis, no![]

"Boy, that escalated quickly." Talk to Travis, the fight starts, I punch Bull... and Travis shoots both of them dead. Now Vadim's all pissed off at ME... Any way to keep Travis from busting out the combat rifle? --Azaram (talk) 03:27, January 7, 2016 (UTC)

Well then. I pickpocketed Travis and snaffled his ammo so he couldn't shoot. The two of us start punching, and... Vadim shoots them. And then bitches at me for having killed them... Vadim, YOU had the friggin gun, whiskey tango foxtrot! --Azaram (talk) 03:40, January 7, 2016 (UTC)
It's one of many bugs with this quest. Travis did the same with me. Not sure about Vadim taking his place when he lacks the needed ammo, but I wouldn't be surprised.DWEco (talk) 18:49, January 7, 2016 (UTC)
Ok, managed to get around that part of it. Pickpocketed Travis successfully despite 'detected' so he was throwing punches instead of lead. Decked Bull one (After a reload, when the console controls made me throw a bottlecap mine instead of a punch... ) and When Vadim started shooting, I went and punched him once, he stopped shooting and started walking to the back room. I THINK Bull was down by then, but he was on the other side of a wall, so I'm not sure. Vadim said 'Ok, not what I had in mind, but on to next part of foolproof plan.', so it worked. Hope this helps anyone having the problem. --Azaram (talk) 01:28, January 10, 2016 (UTC)

Reward info incorrect[]

Just completed this quest and both the walkthrough and quick walkthrough on this page have incorrect information. Possibly this was changed in a patch? At any rate, whatever Vadim agrees to pay the Sole Survivor in caps isn't given until mission completion upon rescuing Vadim from the brewery (not in the middle of the quest after the bar fight, as noted in the walkthrough).

Can anyone confirm, that the XP reward is 430 not 300?
