Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Since this specifies targeting body parts, does this Perk give any benefit to Melee, Unarmed or Explosives weapons? Bushwhacker2k (talk) 22:30, 13 October 2021 (UTC)

Good question, I will pass it along to our dataminer colleagues. Stay tuned! -Pickman heart kdarrow take her for a spin! 22:51, 13 October 2021 (UTC)
Thanks for the prompt reply- I actually ended up stumbling upon the answer myself: YES, it does benefit them if the chance to hit is above 0% but below 95%. Concentrated Fire appears to work even for weapons that don't target specific body parts! (I have not actually confirmed this by testing Unarmed and Melee, as even by lowering my skill to 0, my chance to hit the Raiders I'm testing it on is still 95%- I think Super Mutant Overlords are strangely harder to hit in VATS so it might make an effect there though?) Bushwhacker2k (talk) 00:06, 14 October 2021 (UTC)
You are quick! Nice! Thanks for the good question though, it will help folks in the future, no doubt! -Pickman heart kdarrow take her for a spin! 04:44, 15 October 2021 (UTC)