Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Followers Jericho and Dogmeat disappeared was suddenly gone after a fast travel between SatCom Array NW-07c and Fort Independence. It has been several gamedays, and neither of them shows up at Moriarty's Saloon nor Vault 101. Any Suggestions?

Find the missing companions' RefIDs (this wiki has most RefIDs listed) and type "moveto RefID". With any luck, they'll still be alive and you can talk to them to start following you again. Otherwise, they may be dead--which means you can either move on or cheat again to resurrect them. -- 03:21, May 30, 2012 (UTC)

Same Problem[]

Cass & ED-E disappeared. I have no idea where to find them. Is there a particular place they respawn or is this an unsolved bug? 04:37, November 6, 2010 (UTC)

Possible Solution: I just got both of them back (actually, they respawned to their original locations) - but game notified me of this and informed me I'd lost their associated perks. So, I can fast travel and get them again. What did I do? I waited 3 days in a row. That's it. A few seconds after the 3rd wait, I got the notification. Would be interesting if anyone else can confirm this bug solution - if so, we can move it to the page as a confirmed bug.

Its not so much of a "bug" as it is a failsafe, if you tell your companions to wait in a particular spot for to long, then they eventually return to wherever you found them. I found this out when I first started playing. I was paranoid they could die, but I liked the perks, so I would enlist them and make them wait somewhere safe (The lucky 38 usually) then after about 3-5 game days past, they would always return --Jak29 03:38, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

Opposite problem[]

I want to get rid of cassidy, and start chillin with veronica. How do I dump cass?

You can either dump them through dialog (I think we should part ways for now) Or if you have an updated version of the game, you can get rid of them with the companion dismissal terminals found at the Gun Runners, or the Lucky 38. --Jak29 03:35, March 24, 2012 (UTC)
