Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Never Accessible?[]

If ED-E never activates one and you finish LR, will those unactivated ones be inaccessible? --Death From AboveUnbroken Steel -Talk- 05:33, September 25, 2011 (UTC)

Selling Items Bug[]

Seem to have found a bug in the Commissary. I bought all 3 Red Glare upgrades at once and the Commissary had over 40k caps in it. When I sold something the caps in the Commissary didn't go down and mine didn't go up. Wasn't until I exited out and came back in, so it reset to 6k caps was I able to make money off of what I was selling. This is on the PC version of Fallout: New Vegas.

Same bug seen on PS3 version. 13:57, September 26, 2011 (UTC)
This bug happens with all vendors with large orders. If you make multiple transactions, eventually caps stop trading hands. It probably isn't so much a bug as a limitation of the engine or cache. The gun runner vendortron is a big culprit of this. Try to keep it all in one transaction. The exact same thing can happen with consumables. After ingesting so many, it stops adding effects even though you can still use them until you leave the pipboy and enter again. KaisarDragon 01:11, October 28, 2011 (UTC)
I ended up on this page researching the same bug. Given the number of expensive upgrades one is likely to purchase from the Commissary at a time, it makes sense that this is where most players encounter the issue. For anyone in the future who would like details, it is the first bug listed in the barter system bugs section on the bugs page. -- DeJuanNOnley (talk) 17:08, October 22, 2016 (UTC)

Inventory Reset[]

Can anybody confirm reset times for the inventory of the terminals? I tried simply waiting in the same room and reloading a save in the same room. Neither worked so I figure time must pass outside of cells with a terminal or the DLC map itself... Confirm? 10:17, March 26, 2012 (UTC) lepigpen

counterfeit-proof pay chits[]

all terminals in the Divide were locked out as a response to the revelation that supposedly counterfeit-proof pay chits issued to soldiers were in reality virtually identical to bottle caps. However, commissaries can be reactivated, but it is a very hard feat and to date only the Duraframe Eyebots are known to be able to hack them.
